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Things of your day



    This is the appropriate response.
  • I want one of those so that I can put it in a shadowbox that is labeled "In case of heresy break glass"
  • edited October 2011
    And that's purely a toy, too. These days, when I look at something that's $300+ dollars, it's the sort of "toy" that I use to fuel my endeavors at professional crafts. Things that have uses for grown-up adult stuff.

    But this thing is a pure, unadulterated, money wasting hunk of absolute child-like joy.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • But this thing is a pure, unadulterated, money wasting hunk of absolute child-like joy.
    There's always room for a little extra joy in this world.

    You know, if you used that 300 to buy tools, you could make as many of those as you wanted.
  • despite a "liberal arts degree" I am sure $300 would in no way get me close to being able to create something that awesome. I've got no clue how to even begin. So I will gladly give the money to someone who can to sponsor them to do this. I mean.. fuck, someone has to be rewarded for having such an awesome idea and the skills to make it happen.
  • Things that have uses for grown-up adult stuff.
    Like playing dress-up and reading each other stories about vikings?
  • Things that have uses for grown-up adult stuff.
    Like playing dress-up and reading each other stories about vikings?
    I was more thinking you can buy an actual grown up gun for $300, so why spend that on a toy one.
  • edited October 2011
    Things that have uses for grown-up adult stuff.
    Like playing dress-up and reading each other stories about vikings?
    I was more thinking you can buy an actual grown up gun for $300, so why spend that on a toy one.
    Because you cannot shoot your friends with a real gun. Well, I mean you can, but they probably won't want to be your friend any more..
    Post edited by KapitänTim on
  • I was more thinking you can buy an actual grown up gun for $300, so why spend that on a toy one.
    My thoughts exactly. Now if they made a real gun that looked like that...
  • despite a "liberal arts degree" I am sure $300 would in no way get me close to being able to create something that awesome. I've got no clue how to even begin. So I will gladly give the money to someone who can to sponsor them to do this. I mean.. fuck, someone has to be rewarded for having such an awesome idea and the skills to make it happen.
    Horseshit - some basic tools and clever tricks, and you can make damned near anything. That's damned near all formed plastic and nerf gun parts, what he's got pictured there.
  • Aw, Fuck. Well, Peace out guys, looks like I got shit to do.
    Glad people are finally taking this latent threat seriously.
  • image
    A man's real emergency kit.
  • edited October 2011
    Customers have started reciving their badges, and feedback is all sorts of good!

    I'd say I'm as excited as they are about it!

    For those that don't give a damn about things I'm selling, there is also The dictionary of Games developers.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • A man's real emergency kit.

    1) Lucky Strikes, or, preferably, Rizlas and a bag of shag instead of fucking Marlboro Reds.
    2) A flask of Laphroaig 10 year instead of Skol (even the name triggers my gag reflex).
    3) That flashlight is not a Quark Mini AA. No multitool (Leatherman Skeletool CX?).
    4) Needs more condoms.
    5) Switch Catcher for some Hunter S. Thompson or a Kindle and a Handcrank.
    6) LOL@ BIC lighter. Get a pocket torch and replace the rope with a proper climbing dryrope so you can fuse it and still grip it when it gets slick with zombie guts.
    7) No gun. I'd opt for a small Ruger .22 with a couple bricks of ammo.
  • Like playing dress-up and reading each other stories about vikings?
    Excuse me, but I perform off-book.
  • The best flickr account. People's reactions in a haunted house.
    This is fucking amazing.
  • What are they looking at you ask? Its Lady Gaga.
  • I really like all the "tough" dudes, who wear UFC hats or something of the sort.
  • edited October 2011
    The best flickr account. People's reactions in a haunted house.
    Reminds me of the flickr of people's reactions to goatse.

    I'm laughing so hard from these. Thank you.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • My favorites.


    These are my people:
  • Invisible dicks!
  • edited October 2011
    The best flickr account. People's reactions in a haunted house.
    Needs more Pinkie Pie.

    Edit: Someone pointed out this one to me: All the obvious jokes already made it to the comments.
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • Creepy or awesome?
  • I normally would give you the origional video to give context, but trust me you do not need it.

  • Ultimate little kid costume: Axe Cop and Axe Cop's squad car.

  • Axe cop has a monster truck. Not a squad car.. It is still cool. Just sayjin.

  • Juggling vs Dubstep.
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