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Stupid WoW...

edited September 2007 in Everything Else
Okay, been off the forums for a little while. It all started with Shay and my day trip to Atlanta for DragonCon, which was great fun. After the trip, I had some network problems. So I had to replace my router, my coax cable, and some of my network line. Not all of it was bad, but I'd rather replace everything at once than replace everything over a six month period. So a week ago, my girlfriend's sister asks her if she has ever played WoW.

So now, the two computers in the den are now WoW machines. Plus I had to start over on the server Shay's sister plays on. As much as I hate mmo's, they are really fun when you are playing with someone who is in the same room; it makes all the difference in the world.

Has anyone else ever hated something when alone, but enjoyed the hell out of it when partaking of it with others? I know Rym and Scott enjoy bad anime in a large group, but refuse to watch it outside of a club setting.


  • Co-op gaming is your Maste..errr.. Friend ^_^
  • edited September 2007
    I recently received Odin: Photon Space Sailor Starlight from Netflix, and I was planning to watch it for the first time with a bunch of geeky friends over this past weekend. We were too busy giving a critical analysis of Pokemon 2000 (GOD, that movie is great to make fun of) to watch it, however.
    It is currently sitting on my desk, waiting to be watched. I am too afraid to watch it myself, yet I know that it is a powerful weapon that I do not want to send back just yet. I also know that it should be a lot of fun to watch with this group of friends, but I don't know when we'll have the chance.
    Post edited by ProfPangloss on
  • I recently receivedOdin: Photon Space Sailor Starlightfrom Netflix, and I was planning to watch it for the first time with a bunch of geeky friends over this past weekend. We were too busy giving a critical analysis of Pokemon 2000 (GOD, that movie is great to make fun of) to watch it, however.
    It is currently sitting on my desk, waiting to be watched. I am too afraid to watch it myself, yet I know that it is a powerful weapon that I do not want to send back just yet. I also know that it should be a lot of fun to watch with this group of friends, but I don't know when we'll have the chance.
    Trust me when I tell you this...If you ever listen to Anime World Order, and have heard the episode where they review Odin they are right when saying it puts you to sleep. Sadly I have made the mistake of watching it alone...All the times I tried to watch this movie I literally passed out! So unless you want to get some good sleep don't watch this movie alone.
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