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There are 29 Guests Online?

edited September 2007 in Everything Else
I've never seen 29 people on this forum at once, but there are 29 guests?


  • Oh dang . . . they're gone now.
  • Scared them off. LOL.
  • Actually, a LOT of people lurk here.  Just so you know.  It seems to be common for any moderately-sized forum community.
  • How many people are part of this place?
  • The highest numbered member I've seen is about 500ish.
  • Dang. I must browse during a down time. How unfortunate!
  • As of right now there are 504 registered forum accounts in the database. How many of those people actually use their accounts is questionable, as is as how many real people that number actually represents. I can tell you that since August 1, 247 of those user accounts have been "active", 188 have made "comment posts", and 83 have made "discussion posts". Make of that what you will.
  • What's the difference between discussion and comment posts?

    I still see the same faces in every thread so WTF?
  • Discussion posts are for people who started discussion, and comment posts are for people that commented on that discussion, if I am understanding that correctly. If not, please correct me. >.>
  • 83 threads? But if there's a thread for each episode plus our random rants....that does not add up to 83, hell no.
  • Maybe 83 active threads...? Or do they mean the category? XD I dunno.

    Ahhh, I might be one of those guests about half the time; I'm only logged in on this one compy ... I know a lot of people who do that; if they're at school, they can't actually post on forums (against the rules) but they can read them (as long as they tell the teacher it's for the 'news')... That way, they know which things to check after school. =D
  • edited September 2007
    That's 83 members starting threads, it's not how many threads have been made.

    BTW: I just thought it would be nice to note that and the Front Row Crew Forums are blocked by my school filter. :(
    Post edited by Vhdblood on
  • You serious? ... *pokes her school* ... The only thing my school is weird about is getting to class right. On. TIme. When you have like, 5 minutes to run from one side of the school to another, or when you need to pee.. ... But yeah, we don't block anything apparantly! Except maybe outright porn. ...
  • 83 people who have made discussion threads. Not 83 discussion threads that have been made. One person (lookin' at you, Steve :B) can make multiple threads - they still count as only one person. :|
  • That makes a lot more sense now. =D
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