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Finding local geeks

edited September 2007 in Everything Else
A few days ago I was in the library at college and got talking with a guy about computer games and low and behold he is a computer gamer and a somewhat serious one at that. This came as quite a surprise as I had known him for over a year and would never had realized this.
Since then I have been trying to work out some kind of way of signaling your geekish interests to geeks around you that 1) Was unnoticeable to normal people and 2) Didn't require them to have previous knowledge that such signals exist.
Wearing a counterstrike t-shirt would be easy but wouldn't be practical at all time and would only mean I could let only gamers know. I thought also of adorning my planner cover with various geekish icons such as a drawing of Vash from Trigun. I also thought of those patches punk kids wear which could be pulled off quite stylishly, though something as obvious as this might be a bit much.

Well any ideas?


  • It's even harder at work when you cannot adorn yourself with paraphernalia. Key chains and the occasional desk-top item are about as far as you can go. Interesting or creative methods would be nice. The closest I've gotten is gushing about cross-over games like Guitar Hero and moving steadily from there. It usually works.

    Also . . . most twenty-something guys have at least a limited experience in the geekery, you just have to figure out how much. I have only once made a friend with as much geek in him as myself from work.
  • Wear something/use something that is (at least marginally) noticeable from every geekery that you are interested in. If you are generally in a situation where this is not possible, see how far you can go before you get to be "over the line". This has proven to be quite effective for myself, and for other people that I have seen (I tend to walk over and say something if I see someone doing/wearing something proclaiming geekdom.)

    Just do your best to give off an aura of geek, really. ;-P
  • Craigslist.
  • Craigslist.
    Geek looking for other geek for friendship, maybe more. Narutards or 4Chaners need not apply.
  • Craigslist.
    Geek looking for other geek for friendship, maybe more. Narutards or 4Chaners or fans of La Blue Girl need not apply.
    I've made that mistake before...
  • Craigslist.
    Geek looking for other geek for friendship, maybe more. Narutards or 4Chanersor fans of La Blue Girlneed not apply.
    I've made that mistake before...
    You know that girl that wears the Hentai Inside shirt that is similar to the Intel logo at anime club? Stay away from her.
  • In before tentacles.

    In all seriousness, a community Frapper helps.
  • I really don't understand your purpose. Are you trying to meet other geeky people or are you trying to look stylish while being geeky?

    If you want the prior then go to your local anime/gaming/geekery club. At worst go to the gaming section of borders/B&N. Going to a social event is a lot easier than trying to get people to notice your witty clothing or geek signal.

    If it's the latter, then that's a topic for another thread.
  • Craigslist.
    Geek looking for other geek for friendship, maybe more. Narutards or 4Chanersor fans of La Blue Girlneed not apply.
    I've made that mistake before...
    You know that girl that wears the Hentai Inside shirt that is similar to the Intel logo at anime club? Stay away from her.
    You could try Otaku Booty. There's more than just anime geeks but geeks of all trades as well.

    Besides the whole wear geek stuff idea why not look up a club and meet through that. You go to a college right? Join an anime or geek related club there.
  • Get a GeekNights shirt (when they come out).
  • Get a GeekNights shirt (when they come out).
    *applauds comment*
  • Meh, I'm not really into cruising for geeks. Personally, I prefer real-time isolation and then virtual interaction like this with geeks easily found on the internet. I don't understand why a girl with a "Hentai Inside" t-shirt would be bad.
  • edited September 2007
    I don't understand why a girl with a "Hentai Inside" t-shirt would be bad.
    Do the words 'hood rat' mean anything to you?
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • That's not geek. It's fifteen year old silly speak. I'd like something more like this:
  • I don't understand why a girl with a "Hentai Inside" t-shirt would be bad.
    Do the words 'hood rat' mean anything to you?
    Those aren't hood rats and I see hood rats on a daily basis. Those are fangirls of the worst kind. Big difference!
  • Talk to people. They will notice what kind of guy you are right away. Besides, once you found one, you'll find more quite easily. I also don't think that attracting geeks by appearance will work. Every time I got into a conversation with random people on the street or on the train, it was other metalheads noticing me by my appearance. Never happend since the military made have my hair cut.
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