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TF2 Beta with Pre-Purchase

edited September 2007 in Video Games
Lucky PC guys... Knocked down price, awesome amount of games, and a beta that starts next monday.


  • Rym waits?
  • No more, no more.
  • It looks like people who already own HL2 and HL2:E1 are going to be forced to re-buy it. However, they will be able to give away their extra copies to friends. While it's annoying, it's only costing $45 for preorder peoples. So money-wise it's like you're buying Portal, TF2 and E2 for $45, a fair price, and getting extra HL2 and HL2:E1 copies for free.

    This is I think actually a somewhat smart move by Valve. People will complain because they are technically being forced to re-buy something they already own. However, the price is so reasonable, that people will do it anyway because it would be more expensive, $80+, to not re-buy. In turn, people will give away their copies of HL2 to people who do not have them already. This will create more HL2 fans who will, Valve hopes, buy the Orange Box and give away their extra copies, ad infinitum. We'll see how this works out in the end, but I predict a huge surge in Valve profits and playing of Valve games. The XBox version is going to help a ton too.

    See you Monday.
  • See you Monday.
  • Hey, WiP has a good idea. Sell your extra copies of HL2 and HL2:E2. Does anyone want mine? Maybe I'll give them away on the show.
  • Maybe I'll give them away on the show.
    I would totally try to win these. Hahah.
  • If my PC could run them, or I wasn't playing it on my box...
  • Maybe I'll give them away on the show.
    I would totally try to win these. Hahah.
    You could sign them or draw a pirate!
  • They're keys - not discs. I think...
  • They're keys - not discs. I think...

    I bet they're written on something.
  • They're keys - not discs. I think...

    I bet they're written on something.
    Umm, nope. They are just going to be "gifts" via Steam.
  • I think another advantage of this is that people who buy the bundle now can have time to play HL2 and HL2:E1 before the rest of the games even come out. If these people like those games, and beat them in time, they are also likely to buy the orange box when it is released.
  • Whoo! TF2 is now Pre-Loaded! ^_^
  • I think another advantage of this is that people who buy the bundle now can have time to play HL2 and HL2:E1 before the rest of the games even come out. If these people like those games, and beat them in time, they are also likely to buy the orange box when it is released.
    Briefly skimming through the gifts FAQ, it looks like you can only give the gifts away once Orange Box releases.
  • If you want you can add my HL2 and HL2 Ep1 keys to a show give away, since I don't need the Orange Box ones.

    Now I just have to wait for the pre-load to finish... and then the beta's start.
  • I'm actually saving my money for something else... but I guess it's the choice of buying the Orange Box now or later. Ok, I'm sold. I wonder if I can stay home "sick" on Monday...
  • Can Monday come any sooner?
  • Can Monday come any sooner?
    Dark Helmet: What the hell am I looking at? When does this happen in the movie?
    Sandurz: Now, you're looking at now, sir. Everything that happens now is happening now.
    Dark Helmet: What happend to then?
    Sandurz: We passed then.
    Dark Helmet: When?
    Sandurz: Just now. Were at now, now.
    Dark Helmet: Go back to then!
    Sandurz: When?
    Dark Helmet: Now.
    Sandurz: Now?
    Dark Helmet: Now!
    Sandurz: I can't.
    Dark Helmet: Why?
    Sandurz: We missed it.
    Dark Helmet: When?
    Sandurz: Just now.
    Dark Helmet: When will then be now?
    Sandurz: Soon.
    Dark Helmet: How soon?
  • Possible second FRC gaming night? One which will not end the second I get there?
  • Possible second FRC gaming night? One which will not end the second I get there?
    I have a feeling we will all be playing Monday night anyway, so why not?
  • Totally taking Monday off, probably.
  • I'm getting the Orange Box for the 360 and I think I'm going to replay HL2 and HL2 Ep 1 first and then start on Ep2 and finish off with some TF2. Not sure if I'm going to bother with Portal.
  • I hate you all for both having the game and for being able to take off.
  • I hate you all for both having the game and for being able to take off.
    You can just buy it... $45 for 6 video games is not a bad deal.
  • Can't spend that money on video games right now, and not for a long while either.
  • Can't spend that money on video games right now, and not for a long while either.
    Well, with all the people buying the Orange Box, you can easily get yourself free keys for HL2 and HL2:E1.
  • I have HL2 already. I'd love to get my paws on E1 though.
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