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Why do people like the Zune?

edited September 2007 in Everything Else
For almost a year I have owned Microsofts Zune not so much to escape Apples I-pod but because I wanted something that could play videos, and hold a lot of music. Getting the Zune I thought "hey its gonna have games cool too this should be kinda cool epically with the wifi on it." but a lot of that didn't exactly come to fruition. Since the people here on the GeekNights forums are a lot more intelligent I have to ask anyone who has a Zune "why do you like it, and what are you doing with it?". I am looking for some kind of use for it aside from just a large portable hard drive once I get either the Ipod classic, or the I-pod touch but if any of are happy Zune owners then what are you doing with it that makes it awesome? I don't want to flat out say it sucks because I feel like I might be doing doing something wrong, and if thats the case then I want to fix my problem.


  • Uhhh, people don't like it. It's a...

  • I don't have much experience with a Zune, but it seems like a quality piece of hardware. I'm sure if you Google Zune hacks, you will find some nifty stuff. I, personally, stick with Apple products, but I'm sure that goes without saying. However, I wouldn't mind having another gadget to tinker with. ;)
  • edited September 2007

    People like the Zune because they do not want to see reality :P

    Post edited by Andrew on
  • They don't know any better.
  • THANK GOD I AM NOT INSANE! ^.^ .. -.- Most people I have asked about the Zune so far have been defensive, and said "It doesn't suck, its still good its still good!" when in truth I can't do anything with the thing! Now once I get my other product I shall blow this fucker up and post on Youtube for the enjoyment of all.
  • Most people I have asked about the Zune so far have been defensive, and said "It doesn't suck, its still good its still good!" when in truth I can't do anything with the thing! Now once I get my other product I shall blow this fucker up and post on Youtube for the enjoyment of all.
    Why not sell it to some poor chap on eBay?
  • Hmmm...::Thinks.:: Perhaps I might have to think this over. But you would have to admit. Watching a piece of junk explode in ball of fire would be equally as cool. But I could use the cash. Plus I could always add the extras and I could easily get a little over retail price.
  • Watching a piece of junk explode in ball of fire would be equally as cool. But I could use the cash. Plus I could always add the extras and I could easily get a little over retail price.
    Getting just $50 dollars for it would allow you to buy the Orange Box, which would provide infinite more fun than just setting the Zune on fire. I don't understand why people are so willing to throw away money.
  • Oh yes plus my hatred of this thing goes beyond money. As of right now there a lot of podcasts I have not heard because it would not take the full file which is clearly downloaded onto the computer! Oh dude I could make such a rant right now it would make the Angry Video Game Nerd look pg-13.
  • O.O! Hot shit Water IsPoison I see the light!!!!! I do need to get that! A perfect trade off too.
  • Oops wrong thread, I didn't spot the "Why" at the beginning of the title.
  • THANK GOD I AM NOT INSANE! ^.^ .. -.- Most people I have asked about the Zune so far have been defensive, and said "It doesn't suck, its still good its still good!" when in truth I can't do anything with the thing! Now once I get my other product I shall blow this fucker up and post on Youtube for the enjoyment of all.
    Reminds me of PSP people, 'cept the PSP has SOME redeeming features whereas the Zune is . . . well, the Zune!
  • Well, the hardware isn't that bad. If anyone's trying to put a bit of linux on it, it might turn out ok. Otherwise, definitely go for the Orange Box.
  • THANK GOD I AM NOT INSANE! ^.^ .. -.- Most people I have asked about the Zune so far have been defensive, and said "It doesn't suck, its still good its still good!" when in truth I can't do anything with the thing! Now once I get my other product I shall blow this fucker up and post on Youtube for the enjoyment of all.
    Reminds me of PSP people, 'cept the PSP has SOME redeeming features whereas the Zune is . . . well, the Zune!
    -.- Sometimes I wish I bought the PSP. At least then I can get the games.

    Well, the hardware isn't that bad. If anyone's trying to put a bit of linux on it, it might turn out ok. Otherwise, definitely go for the Orange Box.

    As for the Linux well I have looked into that many a time. It is sad but Linux even the hackers of this product are lazy as hell, and might even be spy's for Microsoft. For at least a year they have said "Oh were going to put Linux on it, its coming its coming."....But I will be enjoying the Orange Box once it comes out. ^.^
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