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Pokemon Battle Revolution

edited September 2007 in Video Games
I have been hearing rumors lately that there are two other Pokemon you can get from Pokemon Battle Revolution aside from the "Surfing" Pikachu. They are Electavire and Magmortar with "special" move sets and hold items.

Over on they show what the Pokemon have (moves/item) and then they go on to say they know the code but can't tell. I think the guys over there must have some sort of secret in with Nintendo or GameFreak. The meta-level content they have on that site has to have either been gotten from the developers or with some sort of big time ROM-reading effort.

On related news my PokeFarm site is really coming along. Forums are up and I'm moving on to creating a PokeDex for the site. Once that is done I'm going to write a web app for battling Pokemon without the use of a DS (think If things keep going the way they are I may be able to live off of the secondary Pokemon market!
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