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Stuff that you really, really like

edited September 2007 in Everything Else
Ok, so every so often people ask What is you favorite videogame, sountrack ,etc . And it gets old pretty fast. However, I want to know what you all like enough to buy it as soon as is out. I am saying buying not download or torrent. I do not like to collect stuff since there is little space to have in my house I am to buy something that I really like enough to buy and put it a place for itself.
Here is some things that I bought without even thinking about it:


                Hot Fuzz, Serenity Collector's Edition, Pan's Labyrinth.


                The Doctor Who Soundtrack

Anime/ Manga / Comics

                Tezuka stuff, at the moment I only have most of Phoenix, Buddha, Apollo's song, Black Jack and I pre-ordered Phoenix (and I am tempted to buy the itunes Phoenix). And when I have more space I will buy the Astroboy manga.


                Doctor Who

Video games

             Currently there are none.


  • Computers. I really, really like computers. I have 15 of them.
  • The speech from episode 8 of Gurren-Lagann:
    Whether laughable or ridiculous, this is the road of battle all great men must walk!
    If there's a wall in our way, we'll destroy it! If there's no road, we'll build it with these hands!
    Burning magma of the heart's final ignition!
    Perfect unification! Gurren-Lagann!
    Who do you-
    All of you!
    Think we are!
    *volcano erupts*
  • edited September 2007
    I love Genshiken! I have all the manga to date and all the DVD's out in america! I gushed over the news about the second season and OVA! *fangirl scream*

    Plus I really like Haruhi Suzumiya. I'm the self proclaimed lord priestess of Haruhism, PG county chapter. LOL!*fangirl scream*

    Jean Michel Basquiat's art. I saw a whole book about him at Borders that I must buy on payday. He's always been one of my favorite artists of the 20th century. *fangirl scream*

    I would buy anything pertaining to those immediately despite my funds!

    Besides those things, I just like the usual at the moment. A crush, animating and drawing. *fangirl scream*
    Post edited by Viga on
  • Mostly printed material.
    Otaku USA.  Terry Pratchett novels, definitely - always read those ASAP.  Any really good fantasy series I'm invested in - I'll probably buy any book by Steven Erikson, G.R.R. Martin, or Robert Jordan as soon as it comes out (though that last one is more out of sheer stubborness than anyting else). 
    Outside of the written word, there's not much of anything, as I tend to just buy things when I see them.  I suppose Haruhi DVDs count, but I've lost track of the release date for the third one, so I fail.
  • I guess things I would just buy right now would be:

    Dragonball (manga)
    Godzilla DVDs
    strongbad_email.exe disc 4

    And I think that's about it. And yeah, I know my choices of things I'd buy right now aren't that exciting, but I enjoy them.
  • edited September 2007
    In The Aeroplane Over The Sea by Neutral Milk Hotel is possibly the greatest album of all time. Definitely in the top 50, maybe in the top 25. It's very much worth it to buy it and get the fullest quality possible.

    I also really, really like FLCL. I'm also a super-hardcore They Might Be Giants and Invader Zim fan. I'm not as hardcore about it, but I really, really like The Prisoner and it's probably one of the best TV series ever made, ever.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • All the books by Ian Irvine and pretty much every song by bad religion.
  • Books:
    Ender's Game - Orson Scott Card
    Armor: John Steakley
    Death Note, To Terra
    Movies: Star Wars
    Metal Gear Solid
  • Ender's Game - Orson Scott Card

    Metal Gear Solid
    Yes and yes.
  • Movies:    Serenity Collector's Edition
    I remember seeing a commercial like this and was both excited and annoyed. I was excited because more Serenity goodness, however, being a fan, I already have the TV Series and Movie. My boyfriend also has the TV Series and Movie which I bought him when we first started dating, and so after seeing this on the shelves, I bought it, so between the both of us we have a whole lot of Serenity/Firely goodness.

    For other movies, it really depends. If I saw it in the theaters and really liked it, I or my boyfriend will either buy it.

    Anime: Anything Miyazaki.

    Manga: Anything I'm currently reading to give me my shoujo fix. (Hana Kimi, Hana Yori Dango, W Juliet)

    Video games: Whenever Virutal Console comes out with some awesome game on the NES or SNES that I miss playing. Pretty much anything Mario or Yoshi related. >.>

    For most part, I'm a fairly frugal person, and I always end up wanting to buy something and don't because I feel like I should be saving my money for whatever reason. Sooner or later after a few weeks, I end up buying it. ^^;;
  • Corduroys

    Wayne's World

    Elite Beat Agents

    The Killers - All These Things That I Have Done

    Being unemployed until I start my new job on Monday

    Really, really windy days

  • Wayne's World

    *thumbs up to Jason*
  • The Killers - All These Things That I Have Done

    Yes, I really, really like that song.
  • Anime: anything Satoshi Kon directs.

    Games: any TLoZ or SSB game.

    Books: Chuck Palahniuk's novels.

    Movies: any Tarantino or David Fincher films.

    Comics: most Alan Moore comics and Mouse Guard.

    Manga: Osamu Tezuka's work and Mushishi.

    Music: anything by the White Stripes, Arcade Fire, or Modest Mouse.
  • The Killers - All These Things That I Have Done
    Yes, I really, really like that song.

    That whole first album was really legitamately good.  Haven't listened to the second though.
  • I really like fireworks and hold a firm belief that guns and explosives are wonderful things but shouldn't be used to kill things.
    I also really like some kinds of food, certain members of the opposite sex, being alive and music that gets me really pumped up.
  • I really like fireworks and hold a firm belief that guns and explosives are wonderful things but shouldn't be used to kill things.
    Umm, guns by design are used for killing things.
  • Swords are by design for killing things but most today are used for ceremonial purposes.
  • They were supplanted by things which are far smaller and far better at killing things: Guns.
  • I wonder where we're going to go after guns.
  • Wouldn't think so. Lasers are just another kind of gun. The increase in range would be substantial but you still have to point and shoot.
    You could suppose that bombs are the next step on from guns but probably not until the US invents some satellite that makes things 'splode! at the flick of a switch.
  • Yeah, honestly, where's all the laser guns?
  • edited September 2007
    And Gauss cannons too. Why do you still have to reload most guns manually?
    Another thing I really like is Japan but as in the actual place and people, you can actually walk all the way home without feeling threatened by anyone; Its so weird.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
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