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The Wii Zapper is deadly

edited September 2007 in Video Games
Ok, so while I was reading some of the blogs I check out, I stumbled across this.

Apparently, the people who bought the Wii Zapper for their kids are saying it's a bad thing, and kids will now go on more murder sprees. I think these people are stupid.



  • I do like those people's responses.  "Why am I buying this? It is incredibly immoral for me to buy this!  I should not be allowed to buy this!"
  • Here's one of my favorites from the news article's comments...
    The non-corn end of a broom resembles a japanese bo-staff, one of the deadliest hand weapons in history. Not to mention that a toilet plunger (with the rubber part removed) resembles a filipino kali-stick, another deadly weapon we shouldn't allow in the home. And Yo-Yo's? OMG THE HORROR!!!

    We should all be required to wear Nerf clothes, and eat with sporks (the really cheap fragile ones only...the good ones could put an eye out).
  • Well we can choke each other with Yo-Yo's. LOL

    But really parents that blame everything else but themselves make me sick. If you have a problem with the media or an item don't let them watch it or have it.

    I remember when I was moved to another house to live they were more strict with TV and games than my mom was. When I got older I understood the reasoning why. Some shows weren't for youngin's. If parents did that there wouldn't be any complaints of media corrupting a kids mind.

  • ......
    edited September 2007
    Poll: What did you use to play Duckhunt on the NES?

    I mean, the Wii zapper looks far less like a gun then the old light gun for the NES.

    Suggestion: Dump all parents in an asylum who whine about it turning their kids into homicidal maniacs, yet still buy one for said kids. Ideas?
    Post edited by ... on
  • My idea? Bring back parental responsibility. And institute a 1 day prison term for anyone who says video games made their kid kill.
  • -.- Actually I have a better idea! Make it so people like this can't reproduce. People like this one are the same people who run H.O.A's, and make it so kids do become delinquents in the first place! Shit can you imagine whats going to happen when they find out that their kids are also playing Halo, and counter strike? When I was a kid I had Duck hunt, and I even played with the Super Scope, and guess what!?!?! I am not going around killing people. *Gasp!* All I can say to end this is "Parents.. Get your heads out of your asses, and do some fucking parenting instead of making up excuses why your kid is doing so poorly in life!" .
  • We should all be required to wear Nerf clothes
    Good comment but Nerf clothes sound like a pretty cool idea. lol. Keeping the stupid parents kids safe, and making Nerf games even better! ^.^
  • Man, this reminds me I need to hang up my Super Scope in a glass case on my wall. You know, in case of emergency. :P
  • edited September 2007
    We should all be required to wear Nerf clothes
    Good comment but Nerf clothes sound like a pretty cool idea. lol. Keeping the stupid parents kids safe, and making Nerf games even better! ^.^
    No one will be scared of playing paintball with me anymore! Yay!

    Sigh, I would encase my NES gun but it got lost in the process of constant moving. Sigh.
    Post edited by Viga on
  • What about cap guns? With the caps, they're still under 5 dollars. Wouldn't that teach kids to shoot things more? o.O;; I mean, my brothers and I had these things when growing up - they're damn fun - and I can still go out and buy a new one if I wanted to! Gaahh...

    ....Which reminds me. I have one of those Wiimote cover things, in the form of a sword and a scimatar, but they don't work.. I wanna learn how to stab and kill people with them! How else do I learn?? =<
  • You have to love that the idiotic politicians are going after video games when paint ball or air soft is a much better target. You have to love those elected officials, goes to show you how smart the American populous is...
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