Geeknights gaming google calendar
There have been a few threads about people wanting to play the rest of the forum in organized matches recently and it occurred to me that a simple way of organizing this would be an official geeknights game nights calendar on google calendar which people could subscribe to and see when the next game they wanted to play was being played.
I doubt I would have the commitment to keep such a thing running but I think it would be the easiest way to do this. Is anyone willing to make and maintain one?
All there is right now is Team Fortress 2 all day Monday for day 1 of the Beta.
People like me who have crappy computers that can't handle TF2. DAMN IT!
Well I downloaded the HL2 demo to check, the first level was fine, but the 2nd one started getting all lagy with all the fire and the lighting effects. I tried turning everything fancy off, but there were points where it turned unplayable. So sad.
BTW does anyone knows if it’s possible to get in the beta after tomorrow?
I agree, we should set up more than Steam nights. Yawn.
Are you sure it isn't the netcode? Fortress Forever will periodically get super choppy and crappy, but it's a network and not a PC problem.
Due to the way Tribes 2 servers worked, it's practically impossible to play with other people, and there is no single player game. -_-