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Facebook vs MySpace

edited September 2007 in Everything Else
Hey guys! Throughout my high-school years, MySpace has been a prominent part of my class's online social community. Of course, I don't really like it all that much...but it seemed to be a "social necessity" of sorts. Now that I've graduated, though, it seems that everyone has moved on to Facebook. This is the problem.

For some strange reason, I really like Facebook. It's clean, convenient, and a bit more interesting. To get to the point...I don't know why this is happening to me! I abhorred MySpace, but Facebook is a.o.k. in my book? I don't really get it. It seems so similar, yet it's different, though I can't quite grasp what the difference is.

Oh and by the way? Thanks for adding me as a friend, WiP...and Scott's an asshole. ACCEPT MY FRIEND REQUEST, DAMMIT!!


  • Maybe it's because there's less animated glitter gifs, fake profiles, phishing logins, and less songs and videos all starting at the same time? I have noticed however, that the same people who had the atrocious MySpace pages have really cluttered Facebooks, with all those stupid Vampire vs. Zombie vs. Pirate apps and what not.
  • Haha. Vampire vs Zombie vs Pirate apps. There ARE a lot of them.
  • edited September 2007
    Class divisions, remember?

    Facebook is a lot cleaner and a lot more practical. From my experience, organizing events over Facebook tends to be very productive and effective. The marketplace works well too, I have friends who have legitimately sold things using it. The photo interface pwns Myspace's. And most importantly, Facebook is an open platform which allows for people to create more useful features. Facebook is just a cut above, plain and simple.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Ooh oh, I have a Myspace page! =D With all of ... 3 lines of ranting about how it sucks to be a teenaged lesbian!! SInce then, I've gotten about .. 20 friend invite things! =DD (none of which I answered). Yeah. no. Myspace/Facebook ain't for me.
  • edited September 2007
    Pfft. Myspace is for lonely teenies and sex-starved pedophiles. (No offense intended, Kage)

    I don't use either MySpace of Facebook because I talk to my friends on the phone, or face to face, or on our concise little forum.

    EDIT: Incidentally Kage, you may not be either of the above mentioned, which would explain why you got so many invite things. :P
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • edited September 2007
    Would you guys accept friend requests from me? I use Facebook.
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • I have a MySpace account, and so do a lot of the people at work that I actually socialize with. Also, most of my friends have MySpace accounts. I think that in my area of the country, Facebook just didn't take off as well as MySpace did.
  • Pfft. Myspace is for lonely teenies and sex-starved pedophiles. (No offense intended, Kage)

    I don't use either MySpace of Facebook because I talk to my friends on the phone, or face to face, or on our concise little forum.

    EDIT: Incidentally Kage, you may not be either of the above mentioned, which would explain why you got so many invite things. :P
    Well, I am a teen (17) but nah, not lonely. More like "Go the hell away".. Again, tho, only a 3 line rant because I wanted to post it somewhere no one who knew me would find it.
  • Myspace Vs. Facebook?

    That's easy, neither.
  • Myspace Vs. Facebook?

    That's easy, neither.
    < /thread>
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