Hey internet people,
My father/family wants a server for at home. My home situation is 5 computers, 3 of which are laptops, 1 laptop and 1 desktop run vista. The others run XP. My father has bought a cheap laptop to run as a server, he installed orb on it BUT, it sucked. orb is slow and pain full. my father is considering a Synology product. my family is big on the photo's. like, three of them have camera's and on a day out they shoot about a gig a day. so the server needs to handle that well, besides that my father has a HUGE collection of music which we have an external hard drive for.
What would you use? Thanks for the help.
Totally just curious. Thanks,
power consumption.
The second solution is Netgear's $100 or so NAS. It's small but holds two drives. It uses crazy software and it's not fast, but strangely enough it has worked. The router solution is probably better.
Years ago, I figured I would just set up a Linux box as a file server and fill it with hard drives since Linux supports software RAID configurations and make it so all computers on my LAN could access it. This proved to be much more difficult than I thought. As I play with Feisty Fawn, I think I might have a better chance at making something like that work now. With my two kludge solutions, however, I don't really need it anymore.
Yet another thing to add to my wishlist.