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Knights of Wii

edited April 2006 in Everything Else
So after my friends heard this thursday's episode, we decided to make something after it, a little something for remembrance of the show. Then we created something crazy that mixed a whole bunch of media together and we came out with this:

This movie's fairly entertaining , and it gives honor to all its inspirations.


  • I assume most of you have seen this, but I'm posting it here because it is relevant to WIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!

  • whoa, that's freakin' awesome
  • Ha-frikkin-larious!

  • Very nice indeed.
  • Question. Is anybody slightly pissed that the movie is in wmv? If I knew of some free video editing software / video format converter, I'd be able to switch the "Knights of Wii" over to an avi or mpeg.
  • mencoder. It's part of mplayer. It can convert almost anything to almost anything.
  • Ok, so I'm guessing that it's in the same place as windows audio converter. I'll check that out.
  • No, it's not in the same place as windows audio converter. mplayer is not windows media player. It's mplayer.
  • Thanks for the link. In the past, I've always been used to windows media player being called mplayer, but I guess I forgot the "w".

    Command prompt? Great. As long as it works.
  • I've decided not to convert it. I don't think it's worth the hassle. If you think about it, most people have codecs for w/e media player they're using anyway.
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