That’s right, hate mongers like Media Matters take innocent statements like mine, Rush Limbaugh’s, John Gibson’s, and Bill O’Reilly’s and make them offensive by posting them on the internet, allowing the general public to hear words that were meant for people who already agree with us.
Yep, Rush and the Republicans behind him are clearly wrong in this case. Why should the father be punished for fixing up his house? So he purchased it for $55 grand and now it may be worth $400K. It's only worth that if he can sell it and no one is even pointing out how much time and money the father invested in improving the old house.
The house I live in was purchased for a little under $90 in the early 90's and could fetch $250K today. My dad sold our old house that we had built in the early 70's for $60K for $750K last year. Real Estate appreciates in value, isn't that something that is seen as good by Republicans?
My problem with the S-Chip program is that I am fundamently against any form of government welfare system. I see this as just one more small step towards socialized medicine.
The actual facts.
The house I live in was purchased for a little under $90 in the early 90's and could fetch $250K today. My dad sold our old house that we had built in the early 70's for $60K for $750K last year. Real Estate appreciates in value, isn't that something that is seen as good by Republicans?
My problem with the S-Chip program is that I am fundamently against any form of government welfare system. I see this as just one more small step towards socialized medicine.
Down with Rush on this one.