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GeekNights 071004 - Rym in Arizona

edited October 2007 in Everything Else
Tonight on GeekNights, Rym talks about his recent trip to Arizona. In the news, computer repair is often a scam, and Randi's on the attack!
Scott's Thing - Table Frisbee

Rym's Thing - Disco Elevator


  • I just read the review of the Anjou cables. That guy is a joke. Do people really have so little self esteem that they need to write a review full of made up observations? I guess a fool and their money are easily parted.

    I've also felt that the wine industry was like this. How the hell does a wine have an "aftertaste of currants" if currants were never near the wine?
  • How the hell does a wine have an "aftertaste of currants" if currants were never near the wine?I've been told that different types of yeast and different processes can yield tastes in beer that seem similar to botanicals that weren't used in the brewing process. Wine may be a similar case.
  • This is why I live in the Desert too... Almost NO humidity. xD!

  • I've also felt that the wine industry was like this. How the hell does a wine have an "aftertaste of currants" if currants were never near the wine?
    The fermentation process and mixture of grapes can really change the flavor of wine. There are dozens if not hundreds of varietals of grapes and believe it or not, they don't all taste like Welches.

    I can teach you to taste the difference with wine . . . I can't teach you to tell the difference between those cables though, and I'm a total audiophile.
  • The difference between the cables can be summed up in that bit from This is Spinal Tap where we see the amps that go up to 11 and the reporter asks why renumbering the amp makes a difference.

    Expensive cables make no difference other than to make the owner feel better about themselves. The worst is expensive digital audio cables. It's digital, either it works or it doesn't.
  • I can teach you to taste the difference with wine . . .
    I have no doubt that there are differences in the quality of various wines. I do, however, feel that there are wine "snobs" that take this to a ridiculous extreme.
  • I have no doubt that there are differences in the quality of various wines. I do, however, feel that there are wine "snobs" that take this to a ridiculous extreme.
    Just like there are game "snobs" that take it to a ridiculous extremes, or anime "snobs", or bike "snobs", or computer "snobs". If there can be an opinion formed about something, there will be people who think other people have the "wrong" opinion.
  • Ok.. I clicked through the to audiophile cable review and saw "$2750 for a 3 foot pair" about half way down.

    $2750/6=$458.4 per foot
    Seriously, almost $460 per foot of cable? Seriously, I need to hire whoever works in these peoples advertising department. I listened to the "lies in electronics" episode but had no idea it was that bad. I mean, the guy is making little to no sense but if he is willing to pay that much for cable then why am I not in the audiophile products industry?
  • I've been looking at AZ real estate on the web today. A sure sign that you are not in the North East USA is when a default column in the listings is marked "horses allowed (Y/N)"
  • I can teach you to taste the difference with wine . . .
    I have no doubt that there are differences in the quality of various wines. I do, however, feel that there are wine "snobs" that take this to a ridiculous extreme.
    Absolutely. This is not the case with thousand dollar cables. They're all snobs.
  • Wow Rym wish I had known that you were in town. I live in Phoenix currently but I am moving back to New Jersey here in a few months. And the food is horrible here no pizza at all (trust me I have checked) and the sushi places ,as plentiful as they are, are overpriced or horrible. Very small Japanese population here and they don't run the sushi restaurants. Oh how I miss Wegmans!
  • I live in Phoenix currently but I am moving back to New Jersey here in a few months.What part of the state?
  • New Brunswick, NJ
  • That's a decent area. I used to live in Bridgewater (20 minutes to the west, off route 287). You moving for school, job, or family?
  • Cool nice to meet a local. Family, I need to take care of my mother.
  • Hey Rym, I thought you were from Michigan? How long has your family been in AZ?
  • Hey Rym, I thought you were from Michigan? How long has your family been in AZ?
    My mom and stepdad moved to Arizona some years ago. My dad and stepmum still live in the burbs of Detroit, and likely will at least until he retires from the DFD.
  • Just a tip whenever you get your pictures developed don't get the "one hour" processing or in-store processing. I've been working at a CVS in photo lab long enough to know that 90% of the people don't know what they're doing, 8% don't give a fuck, and 2% will almost always do it right. Your best bet is to do a send out service. The price differences aren't very much, and you'll actually end up with decent looking pictures.
  • Just a tip whenever you get your pictures developed don't get the "one hour" processing or in-store processing. I've been working at a CVS in photo lab long enough to know that 90% of the people don't know what they're doing, 8% don't give a fuck, and 2% will almost always do it right. Your best bet is to do a send out service. The price differences aren't very much, and you'll actually end up with decent looking pictures.
    Last time I was on that side of the photo developing business (I used to date a girl that worked in such a place) the machines were fairly automated to the point where you just put the role in and walk away.

    PS: If you take nude pictures of yourself (or others) they will end up making double prints and keeping them in their "special customer" book in the back room. Trust me on this one.
  • PS: If you take nude pictures of yourself (or others) they will end up making double prints and keeping them in their "special customer" book in the back room. Trust me on this one.
    One Hour Photo :D Awesome movie.
  • One Hour Photo :D Awesome movie.I think that was the most impressive Robin Williams performance I've seen. If only for the fact that he was able to perform in such a subdued manner. It was a little scary for me, though, as he reminded me a little bit of one of my relatives: an incredibly subdued, middle-aged, lonely man working part-time at a store ending in "-mart."
  • One Hour Photo :D Awesome movie.
    I think that was the most impressive Robin Williams performance I've seen. If only for the fact that he was able to perform in such a subdued manner. It was a little scary for me, though, as he reminded me a little bit of one of my relatives: an incredibly subdued, middle-aged, lonely man working part-time at a store ending in "-mart."
    Never saw the movie, but I heard it has some Evangelion references in it.
  • Never saw the movie, but I heard it has some Evangelion references in it.RW's character uses an Evangelion action figure to try to win over the son as a friend.
  • Never saw the movie, but I heard it has some Evangelion references in it.
    RW's character uses an Evangelion action figure to try to win over the son as a friend.
    If I recall correctly, it was one of the Mass Production Models with the Dummy Plug System. I believe it was referred to as "a knight that fights evil".
  • Ah yes AZ no humidity. And maybe I just do not know what pizza taste like. I like Little Ceasers pizza,but I never been east of Texas. I live in the area where Rym visited on his little trip, About 30 mi. south of Benson. And it was the perfect time to visit also,due to the rainy season came to an end before he got here.
  • It's automated to an extent. If the machine isn't started properly in the morning and the film isn't prepared correctly your pictures will come out screwed beyond belief.

    And not all stores make copies. Mine doesn't since most of the people who get pictures there aren't exactly what you would call photogenic. We just show each other and laugh about it for a while.
  • One Hour Photo :D Awesome movie.
    I think that was the most impressive Robin Williams performance I've seen. If only for the fact that he was able to perform in such a subdued manner. It was a little scary for me, though, as he reminded me a little bit of one of my relatives: an incredibly subdued, middle-aged, lonely man working part-time at a store ending in "-mart."
    I really loved that character because it was so far outside of the types that Williams normally plays; he was sad, pitiable, creepy, and frightening all at the same time. That was one of the few movies that saddened and disturbed me at the same time.

    And yes, there is a quick reference to Eva in the movie.

    If you haven't seen the movie, shove it into your ever-growing Netflix queue.
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