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Like, you know, ummm, sooo...

edited May 2006 in Everything Else
In this last episode, as in the one on monday, Scott started saying "you know" quite a bit, if you didn't notice. Thank god for Rym's comment or I think it would have gotten worse, and I would have gone insane. It was that way as well on last Wednesday when he went on a "like" craze, and sadly Rym didn't say anything. Until now...

However, ALOT of us have this problem, but we get angry when other people do it, even though we use it quite frequently ourselves. Before I left the dark side, "like" was in most of my sentences. One of my friends commented on it, then I quickly changed my ways, realizing how crucial it was. When I did, it changed my freaking life. I realized people had a harder time listening to you when you say "like" every other word, and they even get pissed at you.

They've had an insurance commercial that has alot to do with this subject. You might remember. They're these dudes in a car and they're going down the road, and one guy starts talking about a girl he lost. Then the passenger starts ragging on him and impersonates one of his "like" stories he told: "We were going to the beach, and like, we saw these girls, and like, they were really hot..." Then all of a sudden the car slams into a truck that's backing out of a driveway. Don't worry. They survive.

I have no idea how the car crash symbolizes anything (maybe how your social life will die?), I just think the main point is that people can only take so much of crappy sentence transitions. As far as Scott goes, the other half of monday's episode, I believe, had no "you knows" or "likes" at all, or hardly at all. That was breathe of fresh air. Thank you for the change, Scott.


  • I've been badgering him about it for a while, actually. (You should hear some of the earlier episodes, before he knew how to use a microphone). ^_~

    Now, if I can just get him to not exhale directly into the mic and sniff all the time, we'll be golden.
  • I didn't notice the exhaling into the mic thing so much, maybe because I turned my bass down. However, thank you for telling him this last episode. It always takes a little nudge for people to change their ways.
  • edited May 2006
    Yeah, like I know I say like a lot, you know? But you know, I have to like put a conscious effort into not saying like, you know?

    Actually before the episode I was like, man I'm going to try to not say like so much. But you know, it isn't easy.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Like all bad habits, like smoking and drinking, it's hard to quit. You're so used to something (maybe addicted) it seems impossible to stop it. But, it can be used to your advantage, sometimes.
  • edited May 2006
    Language habits are the hardest to break since you are not completely conscious that you are doing it.
    Post edited by MrPeriod on
  • Fo ril, yo.

    I know, personally, that I insert a lot of "um," "uh," and "ah," into my sentences, even if I actually know what I'm going to say next. Sometimes it's because I need to pause to consider the proper way to phrase something, but often it's for no reason.
  • Before my freshman year (of high school), "like" and "you know" were vital parts of my vocabulary. Then debate happened. We'd have class debates and my coach realized my abuse of those words, and he made sure to get on my ass about it.

    It worked. After realizing that it hurt my scores and how well I performed, I eventually stopped it somehow.
  • edited May 2006
    Now, if I can just get him to not exhale directly into the mic and sniff all the time, we'll be golden
    Make him wear pantyhose over his head like a bank robber. Built in pop filter and comedic relief in one handy package.

    PS-Me likee the blockquote formatting.
    Post edited by Phantasos on
  • Like, I think I totally said like and you know a lot less in tonight's podcast. Let me know, you know?
  • We'll be waiting.... ; )
  • Hehe, if you find that bad you should try my podcast - we have long pauses, 'sooo's millions of 'like's and rather a few 'umm's

  • Awesome, give us the RSS URL. I want to hear it.
  • Rss feed

    None of it is scripted however, and its all recorded on crappy microphones on teamspeak - so don't expect wonders. I'm not in all of them, but most :)

  • I care less than most people about the speaking mannerisms of anyone just as long as they have something interesting to say. I must have a relatively higher umm tolerance because I'm so taken by the personality of Geeknights that I'm not aware of the spoken pauses. Or maybe I live in a place where everyone talks like Scott so I don't perceive anything out of the ordinary.
  • Nice podcast Loz. Tell me what you think of mine.
  • edited May 2006
    Yeah, thats good! I was listening to it while doing my electronics coursework so it didn't have my full undivided attention, but not many things do :)
    Hehe, Runescape - I shall be the first to admit that I am an addict, I have a lvl 97 account with a ton of good stuff. If anyone plays and wants a helping hand PM me at 'Loz da great' (yeah crap name i know, i made it when i was 11 :P )
    Btw, Dev C++ is good, but you can download MSV C++ express edition for free. From Microsoft. Legally. You only get a 30 day trial, but after that you can register (which is free) and you get to use it forever :D
    Post edited by Farragar on
  • That's cool you guys live in the UK. What do you guys use to communicate? Teamspeak, Skype?
  • Yeah, teamspeak
  • Bringing us back on topic here, I note that I took the following from digg and am not attempting to show Scrym anything new.

    Why we say um, er, and ah when we talk
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