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Little Caesar's

edited October 2007 in Everything Else
In this thread, why Little Caesar's is awesome.

I hadn't eaten at one for probably ten years and while driving to a lake in the middle of nowhere, we just happened to drive by one in a small town. We stopped by and it was so tasty and cheap! Everything we ordered came with two pizzas and everything. It was a total flashback. You can look up for one near you at their website.

Anyone else lovin' or hatin' the Little Caesar's?


  • I'm not a fan, but I've never really eaten at them more than a handful of times. I remember back in the day always seeing the commercials a zillion times, but I never understood what that little Roman guy was saying. Pizza, pizza? Eatsa pizza? Meatza pizza? Whatever.

    Regardless, there are plenty of pizzas out there which are way better. My favorites are Mario the Baker in Bridgeport, CT and Two Boots in NYC.
  • He said "Pizza Pizza" because you always get two pizzas. That was their gimmick. When you order a large cheese pizza for $9 you get two large pizzas for $9.

    It's by no means the best pizza, but it's the pizza I grew up on. It's total nostalgia value.
  • Also. NYC and surrounding area has the best pizza as a rule. Chicago is good stuff but nothing like NYC.
  • He said "Pizza Pizza" because you always get two pizzas. That was their gimmick. When you order a large cheese pizza for $9 you get two large pizzas for $9.
    Wait, so two large pizzas for $9 each at a total of $18, or $9 for two larges?
  • He said "Pizza Pizza" because you always get two pizzas. That was their gimmick. When you order a large cheese pizza for $9 you get two large pizzas for $9.
    Wait, so two large pizzas for $9 each at a total of $18, or $9 for two larges?
    $9 total. Their menu is set up so when you order a pizza it always means two pizzas. It's kind of a cheap family eatery. When I was younger, Little Caesar's was pretty much the only treat we'd get.
  • Ahh! Memories of youth. When I was a little kid they had one at the Kmart in Forestville. Later it closed down and the K mart followed. I can't remember if it tasted good or not since I haven't tried it since I was 4.
  • edited October 2007
    $9 total. Their menu is set up so when you order a pizza it always means two pizzas. It's kind of a cheap family eatery. When I was younger, Little Caesar's was pretty much the only treat we'd get.
    So it was actually two smaller pizzas that when combined were the size of a large?
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • It's got good sauce, real cheese (unlike most chains) and way more garlic than is necessary. Typically only one ingredient but classic cheese pizza.
  • $9 total. Their menu is set up so when you order a pizza it always means two pizzas. It's kind of a cheap family eatery. When I was younger, Little Caesar's was pretty much the only treat we'd get.
    So it was actually two smaller pizzas that when combined were the size of a large?
    If you ordered the $9, 14" cheese pizza from their menu, you'd get two 14" cheese pizzas for $9. It always came in two's unless you asked for only one (which was half the price listed on the menu).

    Confusing but classic.
  • Never actually tried Little Caesar's, but I always wanted to as a child.

    This two-for-one pizza concept intrigues me.
  • Of the chain pizza joints, Little Caesar's was definitely my favorite as a child. Recently, I've discovered Genuardi's has a pizza station, and they make the best pizza I've ever had. (Peace a Pizza and Uno's come close though.)
  • Can't say I'm a fan of the pizza itself, but I love me some Crazy Bread.
  • Anybody else a fan of the Crazy Crust Pizza?? Just go up to them after you order the pizza and ask if they can put the Crazy Bread sauce on it. That is some of the best pizza that you'll ever eat!
    Saddly Little Caesar's are a rarity around where I live. =(
  • Pizza Pizza. Not the motto. The Pizza place. Fuck yeah.
  • Ok, I have to chime in here. I live about two blocks from a Little Caesars. The deal they have now is the $5 Hot-n-Ready. It is a single large pizza, either cheese or pepperoni, for five bucks, plus tax. The best part is that they seel the things so fast, that they are always pulling 4 or 5 fresh ones from the oven, which will be sold within 5 minutes, so you always get a fresh pizza. Crazy bread is still good, but as always, anything other than the main deal they are pushing is a rip off.
  • Oh man, when me and my brother visit my parents in Michigan, we pick up two of the $5 Hot and Ready pizzas and a case of beer. Then we hole ourselves up in my old room and watch Invader Zim. Good times...
  • I don't know if I should be ashamed or proud, seeing the positive response on this thread, but I work at a Little Caesars.

    I keep trying to think of an interesting comment to follow that up with but... No, nothing is coming.
  • edited October 2007
    Yeah...LC's isn't the greatest pizza ever but it's super cheap and super quick which = teh win! They seem to be doing better lately as well since I've noticed them popping up all over the place. My parents just got a new one near them in Illinois, and 2 new one's just opened near me in Minnesota.

    Oh, and for the record...Chicago style is the only style of pizza. NYC = cardboard with sauce and cheese...yuck! ;)
    Post edited by raquor on
  • Whenever my family heds out to see my grandparents in Florida, we always order some Little Caesar's. But I don't think it super duper awesome. The Mellow Mushroom and Mangia are my personal favorites.
  • edited October 2007
    That's it...I'm grabbing a friend and going to track down a MD location. This is going to be like that White Castle movie.

    Edit: Aberdeen, MD here I come!
    Post edited by Viga on
  • Oh, and for the record...Chicago style is the only style of pizza. NYC = cardboard with sauce and cheese...yuck! ;)
    Chicago has pizza? I thought they just made some kind of greasy shitty stuffed bread. Go figure.

    /NYC pizza is the only kind of pizza
  • edited October 2007
    Hey now, let's not get all "Mac vs. PC" on the pizza debate. New York-style has it's place, like when you want to grab a slice and go. Chicago deep-dish is good for when you're planning on sitting down and eating a full meal. Chicago thin-crust has a killer crunch to the crust. And California-style is just plain wrong. ;)

    As for Little Caesar's, I miss the "Pizza Pizza" days when you could get two pies for under ten bucks. My family used to do that every now and then, but since the chain doesn't have a dining room area we didn't do it that often. The deal they have running now with one pie for five bucks is pretty killer, and if you call ahead you can get it in more toppings than just pepperoni. My brother will frequently call them up and order a large sausage and it still only runs $5.

    One chain I really miss is Garcia's Pizza in a Pan a.k.a. Flying Tomato. They had some really good pan pizza, but you can't find them anywhere anymore.
    Post edited by Techparadox on
  • I don't really like Little Caesar's. Atlanta Bread Company is right next to it, so I usually always choose that over Little Caesar's. Their chocolate dipped short break cookies are teh win.
  • Little Caesar's is the 'Taco Bell' of pizza.

    I eat at Taco Bell not because the food is good but because it is super cheap! I can get a basic bean burrito for under $1. Two of those bad boys fills me up at lunchtime and costs me under $2.

    Same goes for Little Caesar's. Their pizza is super cheap and filling.
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