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For those of you with adblock

edited October 2007 in Everything Else
I am curious.

I am trying to monetize two of my sites PokeFarm and TechVat. What I would like to know is:

a) Does your adblock block all of my ads.
b) Does using adblock make the site look funny.

If you could take a moment to turn the adblock off and let me know if the ads are annoying, in the way, etc... Don't worry about clicking on them, all of my ads are CPA not CPC. I only get paid if someone clicks through and does something.



  • My adblock does block your ads, but it doesn't make your ads look terrible.  The ads aren't too annoying with adblock disabled, either.
  • a yes. b no.
  • Even with my adBlock enabled I can see some ads.  I see a KB toys ad on Pokefarm in the trading pages and I see an ad for the Sharper Image on the Techvat site.
  • On both of the pages I cannot see ads with AdBlock though when I disable AdBlock can't see ads on the PokeFarm, but I can see it on the second one.
  • My adblock blocks all ads, and even with adblock disabled I don't see ads on Pokefarm. Are there even ads? Ah, found one. GameShark Stare? It's blue, doesn't fit with the rest of the site, but isn't that annoying. TechVat, the date and the Subscribe + RSS icon are a bit weird, the icon pushes those texts out of the borders. Probably just something with the fonts in Ubuntu. The top advertisement is annoying. I don't like animated ads for they are more distracting than a simple image. The bottom tower ads are nice, fit well and aren't distracting.
  • Doesn't look to bad with aids. I would suggest in the forum making the "Pokefarm" button at the top smaller vertically and wider so that it goes right up to the ad and there isn't any gray above and below. Also a less pixelated logo on the home page. Other than that, nice layout. Are you using a CMS or is this built from scratch?
  • Doesn't look to bad with aids.
    Usually people look bad when they actually progress to Aids from HIV..... ^_^
  • Thanks for the info guys.

    I have made more money with my line of "Tech Deal" articles on TechVat than I have running traditional ads on any of my sites. I think it is because the "ads" are the content.

    I really do not care if people block my ads. I look at it this way, if someone likes the content they will direct their friends to go there. At a certain point the traffic gained via word of mouth will extend to people who do not block ads. At that point the site will be popular enough to generate its own traffic.

    Right now PokeFarm is generating over 300K page views a month all based on word of mouth. It is not making any "real" money right now but the holiday gift buying season is approaching so I expect it to begin making money soon. Unlike most Pokemon sites I get a lot of adult Pokemon players on there.
  • Has anyone ever implemented the "hide ads after a certain number of pageviews" idea?
  • Has anyone ever implemented the "hide ads after a certain number of pageviews" idea?
    I'm not sure I know what that is.
  • You store a cookie that counts the amount of times each person views your site. After a certain number of page views you take the ads off the site.
    This comes from the theory that if someone is likely to click a link they will do so sooner rather than later.
    Possible just a larger advert with a "Hide" button on it somewhere might work better.
  • You store a cookie that counts the amount of times each person views your site. After a certain number of page views you take the ads off the site.
    This comes from the theory that if someone is likely to click a link they will do so sooner rather than later.
    Possible just a larger advert with a "Hide" button on it somewhere might work better.
    I have heard of sites that turn ads off for members but if a site is so bad that you would want to be a member just to turn the ads off do you want to go to that site?
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