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What should be an easy HTML question.

How do you make a lin in HTML that will open up or download a word document?

The reason I am attempting this is because I want to put some 'printer friendly' things on my new website re-design and I can't seem to figure out the trick do doing it. I figure someone here would know.


  • You can link to a word document(or, indeed, any file) in the same way you'd link to another HTML page:


    Whether that document will be immediately opened or downloaded by a browser is, however, mostly a matter of the browser's configuration.
  • So if the file is in the same folder as all the other web files, it'll jsut work, yah?
  • Yeah, so Document link would work if your document is in a folder called files, and Document link would work if the document is in the same folder as your html file.
  • You can set your page's MIME type to application/x-ms-word (or something like that) and the browser will ask to save a Word doc, which should look more or less like the original HTML. That's an interesting option.
  • Can I put html in an xml file?
  • Can I put html in an xml file?
    What is it exactly you are trying to do? Asking that kind of question shows that you have absolutely no understand of what XML is. Just tell me what you're trying to accomplish, and then I'll set you straight.
  • edited May 2006
    There's a site that tracks your HTML files on the internet, checking how many hits you get. Sorry I was so vauge. All it makes you do is insert some code into the body of the page and it tracks how many users come to the site and sends the info back to your account on the site.

    My question is, could the same apply to my RSS feed? Could I stick that code in the xml on the feed and still have it work?

    I use feedburner already, and I've heard that it doesn't pick up everything. That's why I'm asking about this.
    Post edited by glimpster on
  • No, that wont work.
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