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Nintendo foreshadowed the name for Wii? (WEEEE!)

edited May 2006 in Everything Else
Ok this was on Digg so I know Scott's probably seen it already, but I'm bringing it up for discussion here because I want to know what you guys think.

Wii or we?

Personally I think they weren't foreshadowing, believe it or not, we is a word!


  • I agree they probably weren't namedropping before anything was agreed upon but it does highlight the marketability of a name like this. Mike (Gabe) said it best in the last PA podcast: "Wii will redefine gaming" is a hell of a basis for an ad campaign.
  • OMG, I've got an awesome idea. What if Nintendo name their new console the Nintendo Weener. Comon, it's classic. Then, they could attach an oozinator to it. So, if someone got a high score on a game, the oozinator would just squirt them in the face. How sick and wierd is that?

    Like you guys were saying, it's kind've stupid, this Wii name. However, at E3 it's been a real hit, more than the PS3.
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