Game design and the government
So I was thinking about
Stop Whining!, and started wondering if this lesson is applicable elsewhere. According to you guys, most people are terrible game designers because they don't know what they want. In a democracy, the populace is the "game designer". Will people, given free reign, go changing "rules" willy-nilly and break the government? Would it be better to hire (elect) someone who knows a lot about games (politics) to design and run your "game"? Is this why we have representative democracies? I just thought this through to its' logical conclusion and pictured the U.S. government broken like Tribes II because everyone wants this, wants that, without regard to how it will affect the game overall.
Any opinions on this? Or am I just crazy, and people wouldn't do this in real life? I don't think I'm that far off base.
You can't add 1,000,000 weapons, because then there would be no space on the disk for maps.
You cant have $100,000,000 go to a war and have no money to go schools. (No political agenda here. Just happened to type it this way.)
Edit: Well, now that I think of it, the US has already partially reinstituted torture.