Rig a digg for a good cause!
The Ugly Web Site Design ContestWell, okay, it's not a "good cause" in the technically sense. But I want this site to have a fighting chance, since it's a business venture of my brother's. Plus, I'd like to see the results of the contest, and it requires more people to submit sites and vote.
Besides, it might be nice to have something vaguely interesting on Digg for a change, instead of "insert tired political/environmental/anti-Microsoft rant here".
Seriously, if a story's age counts against it like that, they know they're just gonna get people repeating it via blog spam. Then again, these are the people who've been "working" on an image page for years.
Of course, I live in SF now, so I could go egg their headquarters. There's still time...hmm....
I suggest you put this round some web design sites. Digg is only general interest. Also if you submit some very fanboyish websites then you might get noticed by all the people complaining.