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"I was confused on Sen. Clinton's answer," said Sen. Barack Obama, who backs the plan. "I can't tell whether she was for it or against it."I heard clips from the debate on the radio and it is funny to listen to her tell Dodd that she did not say something and then have the radio guy back up the tape and prove that she did say it just a few minutes before!
He added, "One of the things that we have to do in this country is be honest about the challenges that we face."
Sen. Chris Dodd of Connecticut said a driver's license was "a privilege, not a right," and that illegals shouldn't be allowed to get one.
Clinton shot back that "I did not say that it should be done," prompting Dodd to counter, "You said yes."
"No I didn't, Chris," Clinton insisted.
The Democratic front-runner said illegal immigrants are "driving on our roads. The possibility of them having an accident that harms themselves or others is just a matter of the odds."
But she did not clearly say whether or not she backs Spitzer's plan.
That prompted MSNBC moderator Tim Russert to ask, "Do you . . . support your governor's plan to give an illegal immigrant a driver's license?"
Again, Clinton wouldn't respond directly, saying, "We want people to come out of the shadows," and adding Spitzer is "making an honest effort to do it."
"Unless I'm missing something, Senator Clinton said two different things in about two minutes," said former Sen. John Edwards.
I can pull of tens of millions of examples of this from any modern politician you can name. (Almost)
I didn't exactly count the number of times Gov. Grey Davis didn't answer a question during the California Governor Debate (I believe it was in 2002), But I can safely say it was every question. Even the moderators got frustrated and started cutting him off and re asking the question. After 10 - 20 seconds of not answering, they cut him off and move on. I'd like to say it was funny, but found myself so frustrated from it, I couldn't even think straight.
This example of Hillary further confirms my suspicions that she is only playing the American politics game in saying whatever she needs to to get into office.
Actually, Grey Davis is a pretty good analogue for Hillary. They're both partisan hacks from majority Democrat states - essentially, machine politics. And it's worth pointing out that Grey Davis lost horribly in that election. If your point is (as I think it might be) that this won't harm Hillary because others have done it, Grey Davis is not exactly a good example.
Oh, I would not like to make a point that this would not hurt Hillary. I hope it does! However, Grey Davis DID in fact, win re election. How he did is beyond me. I was appalled because even at that time, everyone was sick of him. I guess it was because the other people he was running against were just as bad. However, after a year of him in office again, everyone was FINALLY sick of him and called for another election. Enter Arnold, who by the way, has done a great job in my opinion!! Probably not perfect, but he fixed Grey Davis's idiocies pretty quick! And began to decrease California's deficit at an acceptable rate. The stuff that takes most politicians their entire term to enforce, Arnold had completed in less than a year!
However a quick search of contradiction yields lots of Bush and Kerry pages ^_^
What happened with Hillary is that she took both sides of an issues during a debate and then, when Dodd pointed it out to her, she said he was mistaken because she never said what Dodd said she said. When you hear the tape you find that Dodd correctly quoted her. Now the Clinton Spin machine is playing her as the victim because the other candidates dared challenge her!
Does she really have any stances that are particularly pro-woman? She's pretty much party line on everything--this being the line of a party who was elected to stop a war but has only prolonged it while focusing their efforts on minor scandals not directly caused by Bush.
Black people aren't voting for Obama just because he's black; polls show he has less of the black vote because Hillary has cornered the black female vote.
Any women here who can possibly imagine why Hillary would be attractive to women? (Not *attracted to*, btw...that's a whole other story)
Or, for that matter, can anyone possibly explain the allure of Hillary Clinton in the first place?