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One Gamer's Opinion...

edited November 2007 in Video Games
I started up a blog called One Gamer's Opinion, and since I know the people here are actually intelligent (or at least at a higher ratio then most of the rest of the internet,) I wanted to post a link to it and see what people thought of it, and possibly also provide feedback.

I should mention that it's not a typical video game blog, its not posting news, and other various things that blogs like Joystiq, and Kotaku do. But rather its my attempt to look deeper into video games, and the industry, in order to write more critically about them. If you read the first post I go more in depth into what I want to try, and do. So I'd recommend reading that post first before the other ones.


  • I will look it over tonight, my company lan blocks gaming sites.
  • Wow, your IT guys got to that fast. Usually new and/or obscure sites can slip through the cracks. I got to use the Google Talk widget for iGoogle for like a week at Xerox.

    Of course, my new company has no proxy. Pwn! =P
  • Wow, your IT guys got to that fast. Usually new and/or obscure sites can slip through the cracks. I got to use the Google Talk widget for iGoogle for like a week at Xerox. Of course, my new company has no proxy. Pwn! =P
    A lot of the time, sites aren't simply blacklisted, but they're searched for having certain unwanted characteristics (e.g., games, pr0nz, 'personal pages', etc.) before the user even sees the page.  I can't stand filters like these, or for that matter filters in general.  They deter from work getting done more often than they encourage it.
  • I've got a couple posts up right now (he says returning to the topic at hand.) So far there is one on video game developer's commentary, how downloadable content could be used for market/consumer research, and the newest one titled "Licensed Games: The Economics Behind Why They Suck."
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