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Sorry, I just have to let this out

edited November 2007 in Everything Else
Today has been a very strange day.

My family and I were at a get-together party at someones house; I was playing Portal with a friend and we were ABOUT to reach the final ending, when my dearest mother decided that it was time to leave. I asked her for 5 minutes more, but she absolutely REFUSED. We absolutely HAD to leave at THAT moment.

So we drive back home, with furious tension in the air. While I go straight to my room, my mom's favorite TV show was going to be on in about 5 minutes. Instead of staying and sitting, she decides to wait for the show by going with my dad to take a quick stroll around the neighborhood with my dog.

Some time during the walk, apparently my mom had an argument with my dad over some trivial matter. Due to this upset, my dog got startled and started running. This sudden movement caused my mom to fall over flat onto the concrete floor. At this point, she's bleeding horrendously on her head. My dad calls 911 and she's taken to the ambulance.

At that time, I'm still at home, taking a shower. Obviously, I get interrupted by my neighbors, so I quickly get dress and head on over to the ER. At this point, my mom fractured her skull and punctured her brain, causing her brain to hemorrhage! Honestly, I don't know how much of her memory/muscle function she's going to retain, but I feel as if my life is going to change quite a bit.

Right now, they're scanning her, supposedly it's quite serious. Sorry if I sound awfully lame here, but damn...I have to talk about this, right?


  • Damn. I don't quite know what to say here, except I hope things are going to turn out OK.
  • Well, to be somewhat relevant, I'm listening to GeekNights while I'm waiting. You guys are really calming my nerves down.
  • I suggest you go down the feeds and pick out a about 20 episodes to keep your nerves cool when you have to go to the hospital.
    It's kind of a cruel reminder that the current stable state of things in most peoples lives is incredibly fragile. I don't let on but I am secretly relieved when each member of my family returns home at night.
  • Even though I have a somewhat simlar situation this since spring (my little brother got cancer), I really don't know what to say to you. It probably will be a long story, so be sure to get away from it all once in a while, otherwise you'll go insane.
  • The only thing I can do is hope for the best like the rest. It's admirable that you're being strong, Sniper. Be strong for you and your mom.
  • Hopefully, I'll stay strong. I'm definitely picking the best 20 episodes to keep my sanity levels stable.

    Amirite? Amirite?
  • Like Viga, I do admire you being strong. But it's OK to break down. I hope your mom is alright.

    The best thing to do right now is to relax yourself. Make yourself a nice mug of hot coco and just do everything you can to stay strong and calm.
  • I'd have to agree with bunnikun. Relax, and hope for the best. We all hope that everything turns out alright for you.
  • Thanks for the support, guys. I really appreciate it.

    Well, regarding my mom, she is capable of speaking, but unfortunately, she has lost the ability to read, write, or recognize symbols. Hopefully, her case doesn't get worse...
  • Hmmm, don't really know what to say, but stay strong and hang in there. Sorry to hear about your mother's accident.
  • *hugs* And all after such a terrible day..

    The others are right. Be strong, but don't forget to relax, break down, whatever it takes. You have friends - online, in real life, everywhere. They all can lend an ear, which is what one needs a lot of the time. Sit down by yourself or with a friend or with someone from your family, whatever it takes, and drink some hot chocolate and think things over..
  • You're right. I could use some hot chocolate right now.
  • Good luck man, and stay strong.
  • Keep strong, and keep your good friends close.
  • Keep strong, and keep your good friends close.
    That was metaphorical.
  • Words can't do justice for what you are going through. We along with your friends from real life are there for you and if there is anything we can do for you, just ask.
  • Oh man, that's bad. Something like this happened to an old neighbour of mine last year. He lost the ability to speak, but now he is almost back to normal. I'm crossing my fingers for your mother hoping she is that lucky.

    I just want to say what some others have said: It's good to be strong, but breaking down is not a failure. Sometimes that's the healthiest thing to do. And hot chocolate is good.
  • damn, that... that really sucks. I hope you and your parents the best of luck, and I'm really sorry I can't do more to help you. And the others are right: sometimes the best thing is just to let it all out. I hope the best for you.
  • I'm really grateful for all of your support, guys. I'm glad this community is so open to events like these.
  • My mom had a stroke 11 years ago, and I found that the best you can do is support her as best you can, be there for her as much as you can.
  • Hey, we're all here for each other right? ^_^

    Grab some hot coco and a pokemonz game and just relax. I find that Pokemon always makes me forget my problems... Must find Dratini... must find Dratini.
  • A good manga or book is helpful for chilling out. It keep your mind in check too.

  • Hopefully, your mom doesn't lose too much, because you can re-learn how to read and write. I'm glad she's okay, and hope she's back to normal in the long run. There's not a lot you can do in this stage, so it's all about maintaining your head space. Everything everyone has said is awesome, and I agree with all of it.
  • You have my sympathy, Sniper. Keep us in the loop as we hope happiness and health returns to your family. Hardships are more bearable in the company of others.
  • Damn, I was expecting a punch line or something half way through. That is some serious stuff you are going through right now. Hang tight with your friends but don't forget that your family needs you more than we do right now.
  • Now, it's proven. Podcasts REALLY help your nerves out in times of need, though it can be heartbreaking to hear Scott's voice while you can see your mother struggling to figure out the color of an Orange Gatorade...
  • Now, it's proven. Podcasts REALLY help your nerves out in times of need, though it can be heartbreaking to hear Scott's voice while you can see your mother struggling to figure out the color of an Orange Gatorade...
    Perhaps struggling will turn into briefly thinking and finally instant recognition. I mean I know nothing about this kind of thing, but if you can even get to this type of thing then the rest seems to be quite possible.
  • That's very true, AtheriShadow. My mother has stopped bleeding already! She's still in the hospital right now, but she is getting much better!

    What a relief, though she's still unable to do much independently.
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