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Flock: Close, but not quite.

edited November 2007 in Technology
So, poking around, I found out that Flock, the "Social Browser", had hit it's 1.0 release. Being bored, and having nothing better to do other than to watch the AVGN again, I decided to poke around it. Here's my opinion:
It comes within a hair's width of being what I'd want in something like that. The Facebook and integration is decent, and the web clipboard is kinda neat. Basically, it's Firefox tricked out with some nifty extensions. (It's based off of Firefox, after all)
Unfortunately, it's got one rather large problem. It's massively slow. Like, fat guy on a narrow train slow. Loading pages seems to take forever, which may or may not be linked to it's 100 MB base memory requirement. (By contrast, my pimped-out Firefox needs 50-70 megs of ram when just starting)
All in all, Flock is decent, but nothing more. The slowness and memory hogness are enough to keep me away for now, and considering that most of what Flock can do can be easily done with FF extensions, there's no real reason to use this version of Flock.


  • I checked out the site, it does look interesting, but it's definitely one of those internet things that are cool, but just aren't advanced enough to where you want it, a lot like SongBird, Mozilla's answer to iTunes. Just keep an eye on it, and let us know when there's a huge change that makes it viable.
  • like SongBird, Mozilla's answer to iTunes.
    Songbird isn't a Mozilla project. Just a bunch of people wanting an iTunes like platform mixed with the internet, merely using the Firefox base of Mozilla. I tried Songbird when it was 0.2, was nice, still incomplete, but stable as far as I could tell.
  • This might be one of those things that gets better with time. Still, it's not gonna kill Firefox anytime soon.
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