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Funny advertising conversation

edited November 2007 in Technology
The other day I got a cold email from an ad firm that wanted to run ads on one of my sites. The email did not say what site they wanted to run them on so, as a joke, I wrote back asking them what sites they wanted to run the ads on. Foolishly I left my email sig in place and, of course, they named the sites in my sig!

I talked to them over a few days time and found out they do CPM (cost per thousand) advertising. I told them that if they can guarantee me a minimum of $2CPM (all me, not a cut of $2CPM for me) I would add their code to some of my sites.

Their reply was that they could not guarantee me a certain CPM level (bullshit), but they might be able to get it up to $1CPM.

I find this funny because CPM is the ONLY form of advertising (on the web) where you can guarantee a rate of return. CPM by definition is a flat rate advertising plan. I think BoardGameGeek uses CPM for all of their advertising.

I finally just told them to bid on the adblocks via AdBrite for these two particular sites and if they can beat the current rate (about $1.50 CPM) they can have them (and I get a flat rate).

When it comes to online ads you can not guarantee a rate of return on affiliate links or CPC ads but CPM? Even if you are an ad placement agency you can still filter it so only ads above a certain CPM rate get displayed.
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