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Getting into...Pokemon?

edited November 2007 in Video Games
So I started playing it when blue/red came out on my gameboy color, and enjoyed it, but for some reason teh pokemans have faded from my life. Now, I want them back and was wondering what order I should play them in and was interested in any other advice you could give to a pokemon newbie. I was thinking of picking up blue, just to get my mind back around it, but after hearing all the awesomeness that seems to accompany the newer ones, I'm more tempted just to jump right in...


  • So I started playing it when blue/red came out on my gameboy color, and enjoyed it, but for some reason teh pokemans have faded from my life. Now, I want them back and was wondering what order I should play them in and was interested in any other advice you could give to a pokemon newbie. I was thinking of picking up blue, just to get my mind back around it, but after hearing all the awesomeness that seems to accompany the newer ones, I'm more tempted just to jump right in...
    It doesn't matter what order. They're all basically the same. The newest ones have the most stuff in them. Just play Diamond or Pearl until you get sick of it again. Unless your name is Steve, you will eventually get tired of it and stop playing.
  • Yes, Pearl or diamond is your best bet.

    Once you beat the single player mode of the game you will tire of it unless you join an online Pokemon community.
  • Yes, Pearl or diamond is your best bet.

    Once you beat the single player mode of the game you will tire of it unless you join an online Pokemon community. like grinding and collecting.
  • Yes, Pearl or diamond is your best bet.

    Once you beat the single player mode of the game you will tire of it unless you join an online Pokemon community.
    And/or supply Steve here with some breeding help.
  • Chimchar is the best starter out of the three. Starly is one of the first bird pokemon you'll catch and it pretty much will be great through the elite four. From there just keep using pokemon that round out your team. I recommend you have one or two pokemon that will just be used for HMs so they don't clog up your real pokemon. Bidoofs evolution and Zubat were what I used because surf is a decent move for a water pokemon.

    Pokemon is my favorite series of games but a lot of fun comes with playing with a group of friends. Pokemon was really awesome back in grade school because everyone played the game. Pokemon can become grand again if it can just get a decent online play and cut some of the annoying crap.
  • Bidoof really annoys me. Anyways, start with a Piplup, pick up a Starly and and Shinx and you have a good half-team right there. And like everyone says, if you don't join an online community or something to that extent it will turn into a boring grind. Of course, it's a boring grind even if you have friends to play with, but then you can have some form of bragging rights. Maybe.
  • Chimchar is the best starter out of the three.
    I chose not the Chimchar only because I find him ugly.
  • Chimchar is the best starter out of the three.

    I chose not the Chimchar only because I find him ugly.

    Really? I thought it was the best looking of the three.
  • Chimchar is the best starter out of the three.
    I chose not the Chimchar only because I find him ugly.
    Really? I thought it was the best looking of the three.

    God no. I love the fire pokemons, but Chimchar looks really ugly, I had to go with the penguin just for that.
    The fully evolved one, (forgot the name) that one looks cool.
  • I chose Turtwig, and he was a pain in the ass. I only chose him because I picked fire as a starter in Fire Red and Saphire.
  • Go with Chimchar, the only other Fire type you will encounter in the single player mode is Ponyta. There are several Grass types you can get as well as Water.

    Oh yes, the game becomes super easy if you restart it and trade over a good team. when I picked up my second copy of the game (need more boxes) I sent over a custom bred team with Houndour, Bonsly, (surfing) Pikachu, Gible and a few others. The Gyms became super easy to beat because the forced rarity of Pokemon types was gone.
  • What! Turtwig is the motherfing man!
  • Turtwig does eventually become quite good with it's Grass/Ground typing but the only ground move it learns is Earthquake. It becomes a tank like Venusaur but with different vulnerbilities.

    You can catch a Budew early in the game but the first Gym can be quickly beaten with a Machop. You will not "need" a Grass Pokemon until you enter the Swamp Gym but I think his Water/Flying Pokemon also have Ice attacks, which will trounce your Turtwig.

    The Fire/Fighting typing of Infernape will likely do you better (in the long run) over the Grass/Ground of Torterra. Besides, the only Ground type Pokemon I use is Swampert with his Water/Ground typing.

    Water/Ground makes you immune to Electric but more vulnerable to Grass attacks. Grass/Ground just makes you even weaker against Flying Pokemon and does not do enough to counter Fire Pokemon, let alone Ice types who kill you with one attack!
  • I think we all know that the inevitable conclusion is that Empoleon > All because it LOOKS COOL. Or possibly Torterra if you swing that way. I guess. Infernape looks lame though. I love Monkey/Goku and I appreciate that its design is based on him but I really don't like the end result. :< Plus we've already got a fire/fighting starter from Ruby/Sapphire! Pah.
  • I love Monkey/Goku and I appreciate that its design is based on him

    Oh I never saw that before, it is Goku!

    he only other Fire type you will encounter in the single player mode is Ponyta.

    Yeah Diamond/Pearl is seroiusly lacking in fire type pokemons, my favorite fire has to be Charmeleon. I usually go for the pokemons that look good to me rather than actually trying to balance my team.
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