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Phase - iPod Game

edited November 2007 in Video Games
Did anyone else download this game? It's developed by Harmonix and is essentially Ampltude/Frequency: iPod Edition. It's pretty cool, and you can synch your own music to tap-a-tap-a-tap along with the beats. It's addictive, but small and kind of unfulfilling but it's still Frequency and I'm down with that, even if it is just a mindless diversion.


  • I purchased the suduko game for iPod and was very unhappy. there is no randomization so if you start the game up again you have to complete puzzle 1 all over again!

    I was playing it for a few days and thinking to myself, "damn, I'm getting real good at this." Then I realized I had been solving the same exact puzzle every day.
  • Hey at least you didn't realize this for a bit :)
    Yeah, I played this game for a while last night. Some of the time it's very difficult because you're using the iPod buttons which aren't exactly responsive.
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