As a girl, I always get sappy and act stupid around crushes/girlfriends. My girlfriend right now, Brittany, is not sappy at all; the complete polar opposite. While I constantly send texts/IMs/say "I love you" "I miss you" "I lose" and so on and so forth, she smiles and maybe says "I love you." I always use nicknames; she might at most call me whatever we're RPing at the time. I make a point to say "Have a good day at work" and she attempts to remember to say, "And have a good day at school." And of course, she's always poking fun at our relationship.
So, of course I've concluded that not all girls are sappy; like Brit, some have to force themselves.
I've also met guys who are incredibly sappy, and make me look manly next to them.
So, where do you fit in on the range?
Well I like to be a tough girl. However, when something makes me happy I can tear up. Like whenever I touch my friends pregnant belly and feel my niece kicking I can't help but tear in happiness. Or if I'm so in love with someone I think about them and can't help but break down. I can be super romantic in a weird way though. My guy friend say it's a silly romantic way. Or when I see certain movies I can tear up! Got dammit! I need to stop crying!
Otherwise I like to have the air of a tough girl....but stuff keep ruining it! Arrgh!
Hi, I'm Katie, and I'm a romantic.
BTW: A German translation seems to be: "harsh punishment in school"
I'm generally very reserved. I think this might be down to me never having long enough to develop close friends due to me having gone through seven schools to date. It takes a prolonged onslaught of the warm and fuzzies (Whisper of the heart, Kamichu, Kikis Delivery Service, Spirited Away and similar) to make me to make me feel genuinely happy but I think thats mostly because my life for the last year and a bit feels like one long failure.
Oh, and looking at my photos from my stay in Japan make me feel good too..
-adjective 1. going beyond the usual, necessary, or proper limit or degree; characterized by excess: excessive charges; excessive criticism.
sen·ti·men·tal·ism [sen-tuh-men-tl-iz-uhm]:
-noun 1. the excessive expression of tender feelings, nostalgia, or sadness in any form
2. a predilection for sentimentality
You're a bad person. I hate you.
Anyways, I am (or at least think I am) extremely bad at being sappy. I can never seem to cry most of the time, though I do get quite melancholy. However, one of my friends is so sappy with her boyfriend it's actually kind of funny sometimes. He's really sweet too, but not quite as sappy as she is.
Not sure if it counts as sappy but this counts for me.
I consider myself to be reserved, however, I do tend to get tears in my eyes, no crying can't do that that well for some reason, in various emotional situations... and sometimes random, though I blame airco and things like that for those moments x-X;
EDIT: Kitty! *glomp tackle hug* That strip is true! 100% tried and true, at least for me. Also, if the cat in question has very soft fur, (even if it is a bitch and it growls and is evil *coughlil'brotherscatcough*) I must pick it up and huggle so sooooooft.
Got damn...some tough girl I am. :P
I cry when a character dies, no matter how minor, as long as I know their name.
Happy endings make me cry
Sad endings make me cry.
I'm just about the other side of the country from macho.
Actually, for the last few years my eyes have been so dry (see the Lasik thread where I talk about not being able to wear contact lenss anymore because of this), that I can "tear up" during a movie and no one notices.
For some reason whenever I make eye contact with a small child who is trying to attract my attention I smile and feel all fuzzy. Not warm.. Just fuzzy..