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StupidFilter: Taking the idiocy out of written communication

edited November 2007 in Everything Else
Via Fark
The solution we're creating is simple: an open-source filter software that can detect rampant stupidity in written English. This will be accomplished with weighted Bayesian analysis and some rules-based processing, similar to spam detection engines. The primary challenge inherent in our task is that stupidity is not a binary distinction, but rather a matter of degree. To this end, we're collecting a ranked corpus of stupid text, gleaned from user comments on public websites and ranked on a five-point scale.


  • OMGWTFLOLZORZ!!!!!1!!!!11!!!!!!one!ONE!!! That is awsum. No moar stopid peepel an post on teh internets!

    Just contributing.
  • This reminds me of that Firefox plugin that replaces asterisk-censored text with the full word. e.x. It turns "bull****" into "bullshit".
  • but aren't there two words that if you bleep out the right places they look the same. Saw it in the "Semprini" sketch.
  • Stupid Filter has released a demo.
  • Stupid Filter has released ademo.
    It seems to work well. If possible, I will definitely implement this as a vanilla plugin and not allow stupid posts.
  • Hmm, it doesn't seem to have any problem with Nineless' post...
  • Hmm, it doesn't seem to have any problem with Nineless' post...
    Obviously it isn't perfect yet.
  • It says Nineless's post is likely to be stupid.

    Youtube without stupid comments, sounds almost too great to be true. Imagine what they could do with all the freed space? Host long HD movies?
  • jccjcc
    edited January 2008
    It seems quite happy with the output of a TrueSpel conversion... what exactly does it filter for, then? Internet acronyms? That's no fun. D: Whatever happened to life, liberty, and the pursuit of LOLcatz? "A dog in a bee suit being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to ROFL and +1 shall not be infringed?" and all that jazz? :)
    Post edited by jcc on
  • It says Nineless's post is likely to be stupid.
    Really now? I find that interesting as I'm getting a very different response
    Text is not likely to be stupid.
    CLASSIFY succeeds; success probability: 0.8236 pR: 0.6692
  • Maybe instead of filtering out stupid comments, we can minimize them. Maybe hide comments that are stupid below a certain threshold. Either that, or just display the stupidity rating on every post. That will work great in a debate thread.
  • Either that, or just display the stupidity rating on every post. That will work great in a debate thread.
    That would be awesome.
  • Either that, or just display the stupidity rating on every post. That will work great in a debate thread.
    That would be awesome.
    I agree; that sounds like a great idea.
  • ......
    edited January 2008
    And this is some nonsense to try and make the StupidFilter say this post is likely to be NOT stupid. So take that you StupidFilter, show me your best, and qualify this post as stupid for that's basically the only thing people will send to you to test.
    Not stupid (well, actually it is, but the filter says it's not).
    Combined, not stupid.

    Also, it too shows my previous stupidity 'test' post (even without the non-stupid 'Just contributing.' part) as:
    Text is not likely to be stupid.
    Post edited by ... on
  • Oh stupid filter, hallowed by thy name.
    Thy implementation come, thy filtration be done
    On as it would be on a term paper.
    Give us this day our daily rankings
    And lead us not unto "i liek teh steamz!!111!1one"
    For Scott has the admin power, the prejudice, and the mad coding skills forever.
  • Oh stupid filter, hallowed by thy name.
    Thy implementation come, thy filtration be done
    On as it would be on a term paper.
    Give us this day our daily rankings
    And lead us not unto "i liek teh steamz!!111!1one"
    For Scott has the admin power, the prejudice, and the mad coding skills forever.
    Aaaah... aaaah, damn that's neat. Really, really neat. Thanks for that. And stupidity ratings on posts sounds fun. Though it'd be better to just use spelling/grammar/logical fallacy ratings. The majority of the stupid posts here are in the 'stupid' thread. Like the thread.
  • It says Nineless's post is likely to be stupid.
    Really now? I find that interesting as I'm getting a very different response
    Wow, I misread the outcome twice. Shame on me ><;

  • Oh stupid filter, hallowed by thy name.
    Thy implementation come, thy filtration be done
    On as it would be on a term paper.
    Give us this day our daily rankings
    And lead us not unto "i liek teh steamz!!111!1one"
    For Scott has the admin power, the prejudice, and the mad coding skills forever.
    That is the awesome and the stupid filter will make the Internets the more awesome
  • Oh stupid filter, hallowed by thy name.
    Thy implementation come, thy filtration be done
    On as it would be on a term paper.
    Give us this day our daily rankings
    And lead us not unto "i liek teh steamz!!111!1one"
    For Scott has the admin power, the prejudice, and the mad coding skills forever.
    Hallelujah! Praise the admin!
  • edited April 2008
    The alpha code has been released.

    [Edit] You will also need CRM114
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Guys, check this out.

    And yes, I realize that a few of you have seen this...but whatever. Just posting to get the word out.
  • I just tried out the YouTube Snob extention, and while it does work, it seems to add significantly to the loading time for YouTube pages and gives me the spinning rainbow ball of death for almost a minute (I'm using OS X). Thus, despite the fact that it otherwise works well, I had to disable it.
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