Alright people. This is the E3 thread. If you've got anything to say about E3, put it here. If you've got something to say about our E3 episode, put that here too. Remember, we're looking for feedback on having crazy-long episodes. Would you mind if GeekNights was 3 hours long every now and then, or is that too much for you?
Also, let's try to keep the Wii jokes to a minimum.
I'm just kidding. Go nuts with your Wii ;-)
GeekNights really does come to you uncut and recorded live ^_~
I like uber long podcast because the make grinding out levels in WoW a lot more enjoyable.
Longer = better
2) Somone is going to make a WoW movie
3) Wow Sucks....just FYI.
Also: hehe, WoW-Wii
Oh and WoW sucks.
Runescape For-Teh-Win!
Edit: I just realized that above is only true for one more week. But still, long shows are good.
/Old skool Shadowrun fanboy
//Who likes to slash
I also understand the creation for the power sites, from a game developer's perspective. It creates the safe conflict of naturalist underdog vs. multinational corp, of safety vs. freedom. Though I think that conflicts arising from the Resource Rush would have given them plenty of fodder for battles between communities of ordinary people and the economic machine of a zaibatsu.
But you know, Mario Blah, Kirby Blah, Zelda Blah. Its really just the same.
Loved the episode a lot guys.
Did anyone see the WoW expansion video? i found it very funny. :)
I'm sure the Powers That Be at Microsoft heard about Shadowrun and thought, "Elves and dwarves and trolls and magic, you say? Maybe we can capture the fantasy segment of the market. But with guns, we get the shooter market too! Got damn, we're geniuses! Ca-ching!"
It's just a Battlefield 2 clone, but instead of medpacks, defib paddles and artillery, you have healing magic, resurrection spells and fireballs.
Has the video! for Super Smash brothers...
Pretty damn cool.. It even includes Nintendogs as a powerup!
On E3 - HA HA Sony HA HA HA HA!
Also in the UK, we say "going for a wee" to mean going for a piss. Last night I was heard to say - "going for a nintendo". I guarantee that is happening all over the country.