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Company of Heroes - RTS that Scrym might like

edited November 2007 in Video Games
Scott and Rym commented in quesitons week on how RTS games hadn't fulfilled their potential and were basically solved because of the tree like structure, in which the best wins fastest.  In addition to problems like too much micromanagement or too little. 
I came across the demo of this game on Steam, and thought that it was the first game that has walked the line of simple management yet extreme strategy depending on how far you want to go.  It's based in WW2 but the environments are surprisingly well made and when zoomed in completely, sometimes look like FPS shots from Call of Duty or Call of Duty 2.
Some of the hooks for me for this game -
- there isn't conventional harvesting of resources, you are forced to take territory to earn fuel, ammo and manpower
- I can tell 1 unit of soldiers to attack an enemy and they will run in and when approaching firing range, will split up to take cover and shoot from cover, so if you 've sent them somewhere with no cover, they'll be slaughtered while if you tell them to attack from a position with fences, trees, debris etc. they are more likely to win
- Computer AI is very, very good (not super fast like in most RTS games)
- Tank warfare is quite strategic and somewhat accurate to the actual tanks of the time, the allies have pretty poor, lightly armoured tanks compared to the Germans and to take out a German tank, it usally takes 2-3 Allied tanks or strategically attack the tank with infantry who've got sticky bombs, bazookas and anti tank manned guns, if you just try to tank rush against the computer or a human opponent you'll die very quickly
- The difference in the 2 sides, the Nazi's play is very different to the Allies almost to the point when I asked myself if I was still playing the same game when I tried playing as Axis
- You can beat your opponent with a low tech tree (while they have a high one) through out thinking them
- The special abilities are determined by 1 of 3 specialisations you can pick per side (Nazi or Allies) i.e. You can have a Airborne slant which forces you to use a more aggressive run and gun technique when compared to picking Infantry which will allow you to build up more defence, it almost become a situation where you can pick from 1 of 6 types of armies.
I ended up buying the game.


  • I assume there's a free demo?
  • Yes it's on Steam
  • I just finished the demo, and I have to say that I am surprised/impressed. I really really like that the units act intelligently, like when you send a squad of riflemen into a T intersection, two of them actually get into position to cover the two other road ways while before the rest of the squad goes into the intersection. There are just lots of little touches like that, and the cover system, really makes it play very well. I'm very tempted to get the full game.
  • CoH is most definitely quality. It is one of the only RTS games that I enjoy. I would love to play a game with someone tonight if anyone was willing.
  • I'm actually kinda excited about this game. It seems as if it actually requires tactics instead of just memorizing building trees and mass+rushing.

    I hope I'm right.
  • edited November 2007
    Too bad the Axis is OP, and it ruins the game.

    (I've played it, its fun until you realize this.)

    I was wrong, they have patched it since then.
    Post edited by Mr. Eric on
  • You should check out as it offers a free play mode and uhm... java engine > linux play.

    Cool thing is that all your runes (champions) gain exp that you can crank their stats with between rounds.
  • Meh, I'm done with fantasy strategy games for now.
  • I got this free with my new video card and just tried it out over the week-end. It's ok...but I'm not an RTS guy at all.
  • I just bought this game. It's definitely different from what I'm used to...and it is actually a LOT of fun!

    I'm considering getting World in Conflict, though....
  • World in Conflict is back to your massive armies and rushing, it's very pretty but it's the same old same old when it comes down to the unit AI.

    That's why I continue to love the Company of Heroes because every time you lose a guy in a unit, it is strategically more difficult for the unit to play against others but can still be devastating if used properly, i.e. I can still take down a Panzer after my rifle squad has had 2 guys sniped by the enemy.
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