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RSS News Feeds

edited November 2007 in Everything Else
What are some good RSS feeds for news, tech and fun feeds?
I already have Sci Fi Tech and Engadget, are there any other good ones?


  • What are some good RSS feeds for news, tech and fun feeds?
    I already have Sci Fi Tech and Engadget, are there any other good ones?
    What websites do you go to? An RSS is basically just a notification that a website is updated. Find websites you like, and they will have feeds.
  • What are some good RSS feeds for news, tech and fun feeds? I already have Sci Fi Tech and Engadget, are there any other good ones?
    Flying Spaghetti Monster, Smash Brothers Dojo, Boing Boing, Slashdot, a few Google blogs, The Rogues Gallery, TorrentFreak, some webcomics, and I CAN HAS CHEEZBURGER?
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