It just says that the kernel is live and then goes to a blank screen. I let it sit for a few minutes to see if anything would change and nothing . . . I ran recovery and that works, but I have no idea what commands to type in order to actually recover anything.
We could tell you exactly what to do... but... *feels evil* You can just log in to your windows partition? If so, go there, go to the Ubuntu forums (and Google) and try to find an answer there. This will at least learn you to use the internet into finding solutions to problems.
You have merely touched the surface of this great ol internet of ours. You should try finding out if there is a standard way to rollback or update so you can update your main installation to the newest version.
Ok, so, how the hell do I edit the command line on the kernel without being able to boot? I need to add "acpi=noirq" or something to that effect so progress can be made . . .
Ok, so, how the hell do I edit the command line on the kernel without being able to boot? I need to add "acpi=noirq" or something to that effect so progress can be made . . .
You need to edit the grub configuration file. Grub is the boot loader. The boot loader is what starts the kernel.
Ya, I just got it to work. My Ubuntu's are working. What I need to know now is how to make the change permanent?
Edit the file /boot/grub/menu.lst as root. Directions on how to edit the file are in the file itself. After you are done editing it run the command update-grub on the command line as root.
You should try finding out if there is a standard way to rollback or update so you can update your main installation to the newest version.