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If you had one thing to say to Rym and Scott...

edited November 2007 in Everything Else
This thread is for any random comments that you may want to make to Rym and Scott. Not necessarily a question to ask, just something random, like a criticism (hopefully constructive) or a show idea or anything. (It can also be more than one comment)

I would say: As a huge fan of films, I think you don't give modern American cinema enough credit. Of course there is a gigantic pile of shiite films out there, but there are many good films too. I think that if you put a little effort into it you could find many films that you think are awesome, such as the new documentary The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters, which is about the quest for the highest Donkey Kong score. I made a previous thread about this film, and it is only one of many good films I have seen this year.


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