So you know that teaser trailer before the Transformers movie showing the college kids at a party in NY, then explosions and a monster roar? Well, it is now known the movie is called Cloverfield.
There's a new trailer out for it
Cloverfield There has been speculation over the internet, that the creature in the movie is Cthulu. Although the presentation so far in the teaser and trailer have perked my interest, this speculation about the "destroyer" being Cthulu has made me sit up even straighter. I never read H.P. Lovecraft, so I don't know much about it, but based on the trailers, do you guys think this movie could be based off the Cthulu story?
Here's the recent Cthulhu movie.
Cloverfield I mean. The Cthulhu trailer doesn't look that exciting. Either way, I Am Legend is coming out sooner. It's not that bad. It's awesome even.
So do you think by the Cthulhu trailer, it is accurate to the story? Also, should I read the book prior to the movie, or wait until after?
To my knowledge, there has never been a worthy Cthulhu movie. I wouldn't expect this one to be amazing, either, although it very well could be. I say read a bunch of the stories, not just Call of Cthulhu since, even though it's his most well-known work, it's definitely not the best. I like At The Mountains of Madness and The Dunwich Horror.
Also might want to check out the GeekNights episode on Lovecraft.