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Rym & Scott on FNPL Episode 21.

edited December 2007 in Everything Else
In one of those rare convergences of time, space and Scrym, both of the esteemed GN hosts were on Friday Night Party Line last night. We made the most of it by generating a very full episode (which has been posted) and an entire special on the Front Row Crew that I'm hoping to edit and post next week. Thanks to Rym and Scott for being awesome! Thanks also to Kilarney who has become a terrific co-host. When we have these folks on, I am always very happy with the results.

Here are the topics:

--Why do people keep that which they do not use? You have people with real problems throwing things away in an extreme way. Their houses are full of what amounts to garbage. On the other hand, some people throw away something immediately when it no longer has a ready purpose. Many of us are somewhere in between. Is it ok to keep something you don't use?

--We now have the scientific capability to track human abilities and illnesses to genetic characteristics. Should we then score genetic potential in humans the same way we do I.Q. Should everyone be tested and then receive a gene score? Would this create new bar-room bragging between the sexes? Would it create a new line of insults? Is it horrific or inevitable? (15:54)

--Excesses in entertainment consumption. Those of us who were alive in the 80s remember the emergence of conspicuous consumption. Today, however, I would propose that we have more ways to entertain ourselves than ever before to the point where there's kinds of entertainment that we forgo not because we don't like it, but because there's something we like slightly more. Is this bad? (41:08)

--Ask the Economist: Earlier this month, the offices of the folks who make the Liberty Dollar were raided. What do you think about this? Federal law is pretty darn specific about who gets to issue currency in this country? What's the deal? How is this different from giving someone a promissory note or a share in stock for example? Bonus discussion on IRAs and 401ks. (50:29)


  • I have to give you guys credit for giving a bitchslap to all that gold standard and "liberty dollar" bullshit. It was a good treatment of the issue.
  • Wow, the feed hasn't updated yet. *double checks by adding the FNPL and O4G feeds to Google* Still not! Wow, FRC forums more up to date then feeds XD. Listening, sad to hear Ray couldn't make it. Also, more women are needed *stares in Viga's general direction*. . .
  • edited December 2007
    I'm cringing a little bit at the "special episode" we recorded - since I assumed that we were done recording. Let's just say that when it comes out, it's raw podcasting at its best.

    And no... I'm not nearly as jaded as I sounded.

    Since the "special episode" is really only of value to members and associates of the Front Row Crew, I think that it should be a special episode of Geek Nights and packaged with a rebuttal from the Front Row Crew. Perhaps it could air when you guys are away and need a break.
    Post edited by Kilarney on
  • I'm cringing a little bit at the "special episode" we recorded - since I assumed that we were done recording. Let's just say that when it comes out, it's raw podcasting at its best.
    And no... I'm not nearly as jaded as I sounded.
    Since the "special episode" is really only of value to members and associates of the Front Row Crew, I think that it should be a special episode of Geek Nights and packaged with a rebuttal from the Front Row Crew. Perhaps it could air when you guys are away and need a break.
    I think you're being too hard on yourself about the special. You drove the conversation. It really is good stuff. I had asked Rym about the very thing you suggested and he thought that he would rather link to it, which is fine.

    I think the value is universal. It really demonstrates differences how two generations of geeks think differently from each other.
  • Great episode. I enjoyed the 401k discussion. Since I work for the government, we have what's called a Thrift Savings Plan (TSP). I'm sure that's the equivalent to the 401k. I recently got a promotion and plan on increasing what I put in. Also since I'm still fairly young, I plan on researching more about the different funds we have in the TSP and switching my money throughout these funds. I recently had to take out a small loan from my TSP due to an emergency, and from what I've seen it's only a 4% interest rate and $50 processing fee. Not too bad, imo.
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