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Chip on Rym's shoulder

edited May 2006 in Everything Else
What up Rym? You've been whining a ton these past few days. Stop it. Scott is always cool about everything and while you've been freaking out about everything you disagree with. Take a chill pill. You take it out on Scott and you start putting him down but he usually takes the higher road and brushes it off or tries to calm you down. I don't mean to come across offensive but it's something I've been noticing for a while. It doesn't make for good podcasting and I much prefer you two to be finishing each other's sentences.


  • Eh? Are you sure you can tell which one of us is Rym and which of us is Scott? ^_~

    I can't exactly think of anything that sounds like that on the show. I also note that you've never heard one of our real, off-the-air arguments. (We're quite brutal to eachother).
  • Heh.. I only ask because usually people say the opposite. For the record, I'm the one with allergies who just quit IBM, climbed that mountain a while back, and really likes Utena, Captain Tylor, and sushi.
  • Bah, i disagee.

    I think you pick up on things Scott says and bug him about it but it's more funny then anything else. I like the fact you disagree between yourselves and correct each other, it sounds more like 2 real people and not some rehearsed talking.

    Best mates always argue, it's healthy! Sushi rocks btw
  • You don't know what arguing is till you've heard these two go at it in person. Dear god.

    But yeah, they just razz each other all the time; I don't see it as a "chip on the shoulder" kind of deal.
  • Rym does sort of pick on Scott once and a while, but sometimes it's needed, sometimes not. It doesn't happen to often anyway. Sometimes both of them need to take a chill pill.
  • Here's a tip to tell Rym and Scott apart: They have things of the day every podcast! Listen to the podcast, then go to the website and look at their things of the day.
  • Heh.. We'll probably introduce ourselves again tonight.

    I still find this thread hillarious. Everyone who knows us in meatspace has the opposite impression. ^_~
  • Trust me, I know what you guys sound like and what you look like. Rym's got long hair and Scott's got short hair. Rym's the one who does IT, Scott does CS. Scott thinks he knows enough IT, but Rym knows he can barely do what's required to be in IT. Rym has a girlfriend, Scott doesn't. Am I right?

    And yes Rym, you do pick on Scott, lol. Like when you're bothering him about not having a girlfriend. There's an example. I have to admit though, it is kinda funny. You should just have a night where you bash eachother like you do outside of the show (supposedly).
  • Heh, they changed the poll on the homepage. It seems related to this thread.
  • I voted for geek nights suck. haha.
  • It bothers me that people would vote "GeekNights sucks". BLASPHEMER!
  • I was the first to vote that GeekNights sucks. Hell, that's why I joined the forums early, so I could bring it down from the inside.

    A for Anarchy!
  • Yes Anarchy!

    Trog, I'm just fucking with them. They know that I love to listen to them talk.
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