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News aggregators. What's in yours?

edited December 2007 in Everything Else
Most of you know that Scott dumped Digg as a news source since it was just cluttering his Google Reader with stuff that didn't interest him. So I started wondering if Digg had any real use to me. I came to the conclussion that for me Digg is just fine. True there is garbage that I don't care about in the feed, but there are also interesting things on websites I don't visit (or knew about before Digg)

Then I wondered: Which feeds do other people get their news from? Of course I shall start:
- Applegeeks
- fsckin w/ Linux
- Mental Interface
- Penny Arcade
- Rym's Rants
- Shifting Pixel
- The Escapist blog: Zero Punctuation
- The Pirate Bay Blog
- AniDB notifications (for new fansubs)
- Digg/news
- Engadget
- Smash Bros. Dojo
- Torrentfreak
- Anime World Order
- Fast Karate for the Gentleman
- Front Row Crew Geek Nights
- How to Succeed in Evil (a podbook, has never updated since I put it in there, but I'll keep it nonetheless)
- Linux Reality
- Mental Interface (two tags, for Over 40 Gamer and Friday Night Party Line)
- Applegeeks
- Better Days
- Bohemian Drive Log (from Nine Planets Without Intelligent Life)
- Bolt City
- Comedity
- Gone With the Blastwave
- Kiwis by beat
- Looking for Group
- Mistakes were made
- Orneryboy
- Penny Arcade

So, do you have any good feeds to share? Any advisable feeds, must haves, or just a list of your feed reader. Step right up.
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