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Without computer use for five days.

edited December 2007 in Everything Else
I am to give up usage of computers from today through Friday because of a unit on Transcendentalism. I thought about just bullshitting the experiment, but I'm a little curious to how I would react. Besides, it will give me an excellent opportunity to catch up on my anime and reading backlog. The biggest thing I'm worrying about is feeling disconnected since I won't be able to get news every day or talk with my friends who don't live here.

Wish me luck.


  • Good luck even though you wont see my message until 5 days from now. ^_^
  • I had to give up computers for 2 weeks when I traveled around New Zealand. You'll survive.
  • I'm always surprised when the people have trouble giving up the computers. You can imagine I am the crazy computer user, but every year when I go on vacation where there is no net for many days, I do not miss it at all. I don't even think about it. It's weird. If I'm at home and the Internet connection goes out, I'll be on edge. However, if I'm say, on a road trip forever, I will forget my e-mail even exists.
  • Maybe it because when one is home they need it as part of their routine. On vacation they get away from that stuff on purpose and don't need it. It's different from not having net at home to deliberately going away from it.
  • I'm always surprised when the people have trouble giving up the computers. You can imagine I am the crazy computer user, but every year when I go on vacation where there is no net for many days, I do not miss it at all. I don't even think about it. It's weird. If I'm at home and the Internet connection goes out, I'll be on edge. However, if I'm say, on a road trip forever, I will forget my e-mail even exists.
    There is always at least two of you with wireless connections and a laptop Scott.. While you may not sit on the computer as long as you might. We are not without the internet totally... When that happens you really remember how much phone books suck.
  • Meh. It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be.
  • What have you learned on this not perilous at all journey?
  • What my teacher wants me to say is that I realized that I could live without my computer and my life would be a lot simpler and, in many ways, happier. What I actually learned is that Ode to Kirihito and Lone Wolf and Cub are fucking amazing.
  • XD

    A lesson well learned if you ask me!
  • What my teacher wants me to say is that I realized that I could live without my computer and my life would be a lot simpler and, in many ways, happier. What I actually learned is that Ode to Kirihito and Lone Wolf and Cub are fucking amazing.
    What!? Your teacher is of the assumption that using a computer makes one unhappy? What the hell. Your live will be a lot simpler yes, but also filled with more ignorance, slowness, annoyance. You'll get out of touch, fall behind on your interests. Without the internet your mail will take ages again! Let me guess, your teacher can barely find the power switch on a computer?

    Welcome back though. *thumbs up*
  • I go days without using the computer, most of the time is because I'm reading manga or a good book,or because I'm playing massive paint ball.
  • edited December 2007
    What!? Your teacher is of the assumption that using a computer makes one unhappy? What the hell. Your live will be a lot simpler yes, but also filled with more ignorance, slowness, annoyance. You'll get out of touch, fall behind on your interests. Without the internet your mail will take ages again! Let me guess, your teacher can barely find the power switch on a computer?
    Uhh, no. Everyone was to pick their own "luxury" that they wouldn't require if they lived off the bare minimum. Some people gave up TV, some people gave up using a car to get to school. Since I don't do too much of either, I went with the computer. The point was to be transcendentalists for a week, to simplify our lives to find out what living really is. I don't buy that philosophy but, after doing this experiment, I understand what the transcendentalists meant by that. Of course, the obvious argument would be that by simplifying you sacrifice progress, but honestly my afternoons were more peaceful and carefree.

    My English teacher this year is actually turning out to be one of my favorite teachers, ever.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • I would give up both driving Ferraris and dating supermodels for 2 weeks, just to show how transcendant I am.
  • edited December 2007
    Well one could question if we need progress? What is life about? Wouldn't it be easier to just move back to the basics of living and be happy with little hings again?

    You seem to have a somewhat good philosophy teacher, mine mostly does nothing especially when it comes to teaching us.

    I like transcendentalists, why try to get more and more when you can be happy just as well or even more with just the things you have ore less.

    My favourite is still Diogenes, a philosopher, who lived in a barrel and said, when Alexander asked him what he could do for him, as a philosopher he admired, Diogenes just answered that he should step aside because he was standing in front of the sun.
    Post edited by Jain7th on
  • Well one could question if we need progress? What is life about? Wouldn't it be easier to just move back to the basics of living and be happy with little things again?
    I think the problem with this is that back then, current technology didn't exist. If we had never had a computer, or a TV, or whatever else, then we wouldn't want one now. Going back to how they lived and being happy is virtually impossible, because most people could never be happy knowing that they could be watching TV, or using a computer.
  • That's a really depressing fact. I'm currently in such a position and it feels bad (everything nice about my life is currently connected to computers and the Internet).
  • Well, I really think it depends on how you look at it. Originally, I thought it was sad that it had come to this, but then I thought about it. Why is it a problem? Why is it "right" or "how it should be" to live how they used to? I don't see the reason for this. It shouldn't be sad or depressing at all.

    In reality, there's no difference in being happy surfing the internet or watching TV, or being happy with simpler things, because they both bring you happiness. Why should one be different than the other, or looked upon as better or worse?
  • edited December 2007
    Because such things tend to advance and require you have to get better and newer stuff. Also basic things tend to be more spread and free/cheaper.

    The world would be a better place if all of these philosophical questions could be answered.
    Post edited by Jain7th on
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