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I always thought you made your own luck.

edited December 2007 in Everything Else
This weekend, circumstance almost shakes me of that notion. It started on Friday morning when my wife accidentally threw my car keys in her purse. This stranded me until a co-worker could bring me more keys. I managed to handle a conference call on my cell phone instead of missing it. Then, I had to pick up one of my kids from school because she had a sore throat. My mother in law was late in coming to bale me out and I, in turn, was late for an important luncheon. At the luncheon, I ordered an ice tea and the waitress dumped it on one of my clients when she returned with it. When I got back to work, I had to take my daughter to the doctor. She tested negative for strep. I took her home and discovered that my furnace died. I called a furnace repairman and missed a work function waiting for him. He never arrived. This morning, I called another repairman. He arrived and now I am buying a new furnace. The doctor’s office just called and said the initial test was wrong and the overnight test shows that my daughter does in fact have strep. There used to be a cartoon character named Schleprock…


  • And then you found ten dollars?
  • Luck really isn't something you can have direct control over. I sometimes see streaks of bad luck as a good thing. They test your ability to keep going when things are tough. You can't help coincidence but you can effect what happens as a result.
  • Life sucks, get a helmet.
  • edited December 2007
    Eeeeee. When it rains it pours. But you got through it unscathed which is important.
    Post edited by Viga on
  • Shit happens?
  • [x] Rape the maids
  • edited December 2007
    Well, you can remember it as your worst days ever.

    If it helps, right now I'm having my worst year ever (well pretty much the last 10 years). It's the last year in a regular school for me, there is a ton of work to be done and more should be done in the future. Because of the shitty place where I life, I have no friends and can't go out anytime (I'm 18 and have gone out 3 times and two proms of my own school :/). When my school day ends regularly I come home between 7 pm or 9 pm (even though school ends at 1 or 3 pm). I have a drivers license but most of the time none of the two family cars is available and when I can drive I just hate it but I still have to drive because of a final ride with a driving instructor and afterwards a day on a extreme-condition-training-area (sorry but I have no idea how it's called in English) to completely get my license. All I do in my free time is English based and somewhat geeky, which nobody in my age in my area is into, just my brother who mostly plays WoW and one guy who has a grilfriend and is mostly busy with school.

    Besides all that I hope I can spend my Zivildienst (in Austria there still is a comprehensive military duty for all males (6 months long) but as a replacement you can do Zivildienst, which means you work 9 months for some kind of social organisation) in America (I just need a big city as a recuperation from my current place and with people speaking English), well I'll see how the organisation organizing this abroad Zivildienst decides.
    Post edited by Jain7th on
  • There is always a light at the end of a tunnel.
  • Squid happens.
    FIXED! And darn Thaed, that sounds really annoying, though this will help in appreciating the normal boring days more. *nod* And of course the awesome days.

    @ Reimu. No, just no. -__- *hits Reimu with a rolled up newspaper*
  • Luck is probability taken personally.
  • edited December 2007
    Jain7th: Das tut mir Leid.

    I can't even imagine mandatory civil service. That's terrible. Plus that medical condition sounds awful. You definitely have my sympathy.

    Danken Sie Gott für das Internet, nicht wahr?
    Post edited by Thaed on
  • Sounds like a really crappy day. All you can do on days like that is to just try and keep your sense of humor and don't let all the stuff get to you. (I know, easier said then done)

    I've noticed that once you start letting all the negatives overwhelm you, you start looking for more negatives. Then stuff that you'd normally just shrug off, say spilling a cup of water or something minor like that, will become just another horrible event of this horrible day.

    Sorry to hear about your daughter, strep sucks.
  • Jain7th: Das tut mir Leid.

    I can't even imagine mandatory civil service. That's terrible. Plus that medical condition sounds awful. You definitely have my sympathy.

    Danken Sie Gott für das Internet, nicht wahr?
    Bilingual! *Viga's face is in awe!*
    [x] Rape the maids
    *Viga's face is in a confused state*

    What does that supposed to mean? I know I'm going to get a horrible answer but why did you say that?
  • Bilingual! *Viga's face is in awe!*
    Ok, ganz ruhig bleiben, tief ein und ausatmen, alles wird gut, denken sie an etwas positives. Zum Beispiel das ich zwar Deutsch und Englisch sprechen kann, aber trotz vier Jahren Lateinunterrichts kann ich gar nichts mit der Sprache mehr anfangen.

    Kleiner Zusatz: Verwendet nicht so oft Sie (formal, vorallem wenn man es groß schreibt ist es noch eine persönliche Anrede), verwend lieber den Imperativ (Dank) oder schreib danken wir Gott für das Internet. Nicht wahr klingt zu Deutsch, ein kleines oder an dem Satzende klingt viel besser.

    Wow, just felt like writing in German, even though I knew the English word first and had to translate it into German (happens to me all the time now).

  • Ok, ganz ruhig bleiben, tief ein und ausatmen, alles wird gut, denken sie an etwas positives. Zum Beispiel das ich zwar Deutsch und Englisch sprechen kann, aber trotz vier Jahren Lateinunterrichts kann ich gar nichts mit der Sprache mehr anfangen.

    Kleiner Zusatz: Verwendet nicht so oft Sie (formal, vorallem wenn man es groß schreibt ist es noch eine persönliche Anrede), verwend lieber den Imperativ (Dank) oder schreib danken wir Gott für das Internet. Nicht wahr klingt zu Deutsch, ein kleines oder an dem Satzende klingt viel besser.

    Wow, just felt like writing in German, even though I knew the English word first and had to translate it into German (happens to me all the time now).
    Nou moet je niet gaan overdrijven. Een beetje Duits is okee, maar dat geeft me alleen maar hoofdpijn.

    Anyways, I know how you feel. I often have moments, when talking to my mother for example, where I am talking in Dutch and then don't know the next word in Dutch. But I do know it in English. So. Fru-stra-ting, GAAAAH X_x
  • edited December 2007
    Mein Deutsch is sehr schlecht.

    I had 3 years in high school and 2 years in college. But, as you know, that was a long time ago. The problem with learning a foreign language in the U.S., IMHO, is finding someone with whom to speak it regularly. I love German culture, cars and food. But the language ist sehr schwer. Honestly, if I had it to do over again, I would have stuck with Spanish because more people speak Spanish than any other non-English language here.
    Post edited by Thaed on
  • With the Internet English was quite easy to improve.

    Well I can't stand German.

    It's funny how some cultures like other cultures based on entertainment and cliches, or they just like the sound of the language.
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