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High Tension

edited December 2007 in Movies
High Tension is a French horror film from 2003. It is the single scariest thing I have ever seen. I watch a lot of horror movies. It takes more than the average fare to make me uneasy. This film made me physical perspire. It also has one of the most pump-you-up car chases ever, set to the song New Born by Muse. The twist really screwed me up; it was executed very well. The closing scene made me jump about a foot. All in all, this film taught me that lesbians are evil and Muse is awesome. Has anyone else seen this movie?


  • edited December 2007
    I call shenanigans... That movie was ass. And if that is the "scariest" thing you have ever seen, then you haven't seen that many movies. Hannibal, for one, was WAY worse, and it was a wide release film. I detest torture porn. I have no problem with properly applied torture. Hell, in the ticking time bomb scenario, give me a pair of rusty no. 2 craftsmen needle-nose pliers, and a pair of chicken scissors, and I'll get the information. However, torture for the sake of entertainment is just as bad, in my eyes, as child porn. With that said, I found most of the violence in High Tension to be laughable. Add in the fact that the plot put forth by the twist invalidates almost all of the events leading up to the twist, and you have a nominee for worst movie ever.
    Post edited by WallyBman on
  • edited December 2007
    It didn't have any torture. The villain was planning on torturing Alex, but it never happened. And it definitely wasn't porn, either. Spoilers: the film was made for you to think that Marie was a sick freak by the end. The real protagonist was Alex, and if you didn't realize then you weren't paying enough attention. What the movie did was create as much tension as possible and keep the viewer on the edge of their seat, and it did it perfectly. And how was the violence laughable? Sure, some of it was over the top, but I was too freaked out to notice. And, yes, the twist resulted in some continuity errors, but those could easily be explained if you assumed that the story was being told from the point of view of Marie. Spoilers: Marie really thought someone was trying to killer Alex. She imagined all of the times when she was in the trunk of the car. She imagined the time that the clerk tried to aid her escape. She called the police and then drove off. She imagined every time she tried to help Marie.
    Post edited by whatever on
  • edited December 2007
    I was using the torture porn/child porn reference and my disdain for such as a way to express how over the top and ridiculous the violence was by saying it was laughable. I never said the movie was chock full o' torture, nor that it was porn. In case you weren't aware, "torture porn" is a term for movies like the Saw franchise, Tourista, or the two Hostel films. And "some continuity errors" is an extreme understatement. I understood the movie. I know who the protagonist was, and, in general, I got it. However, throwing in the twist, but not being able to hold on to ANY of the continuity of the film just showed horrible writing. It's not a spoiler, but the very FIRST victim shown in the film couldn't have even existed. I'm speaking of the head that was, to put it nicely, "used," and then dropped out the car window. That's if I remember correctly.
    Post edited by WallyBman on
  • However, throwing in the twist, but not being able to hold on to ANY of the continuity of the film just showed horrible writing. It's not a spoiler, but the very FIRST victim shown in the film couldn't have even existed. I'm speaking of the head that was, to put it nicely, "used," and then dropped out the car window. That's if I remember correctly.
    I'll give you that one scene, but every other scene can be explained by assuming that the story was told from the point of view of Marie. Spoilers: Every time she was some where that the killer wasn't, such as the car chase scene, is just in her imagination. After she smokes outside, she comes into the house as the killer. The whole masturbation scene was imagined. But, then again, maybe I'm just over analyzing a crappy movie.
  • When I saw this thread, the first and only thing that came to mind was "high anxiety, you win!"
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