Why I Hate Preachy People...
Mike Huckabee wants you to convert!The article starts off well enough talking about charity not being a function of government and how government isn't the solution to people's problems. Good. Got that. Then he says that the only solution is believing in Jesus. ... ... Seriously? And people are still lining up to try and make this man President?? And which Jesus should we believe in, Mike? Yours? Mine? Should we all line up to quarantine the queers with AIDs and rail about how gay marriage makes angels cry? Fucking people.
This is why being in the middle is so infuriating. No one actually seems to be making sense. They appeal to the extremes on both sides and leave me (and many, many other people) out to hang. I am tired of preachy fundamentalist Christians on the right and the hippie whackos on the left. Please, can a presidential candidate just tell me he's going to follow the Constitution and not try and cram anything down my throat?
Seriously, one person will come and say grass is green. Someone else will come and say grass is neon pink. I know some people they come around and say something like, "Can't we all just get along? Grass is maybe greenish pink?" No, shut the hell up. Grass is green, and anyone who says otherwise is wrong. Period. Sure, philosophy, cogito ergo sum, whatever. For all realistic intents and purposes, grass is green. If you are in a position to make important decisions, and you believe grass is neon pink, that is very very bad.
I don't want some candidate who's nice and in the middle. I want a candidate who knows what is right, and is going to cram it down the throat of anyone who's wrong, even if I'm the one who's wrong. The whole world needs a taste of some bad medicine. All our political representative lately have been too nice, too weak, too wishy-washy. They'd rather allow injustice to continue than create ripples in the waters. Give me the candidate who's not afraid to do a cannonball off the high dive.
Once had a president who wasn't afraid, his name was Andrew Jackson. He straight up gave the supreme court the double deuce. Problem is he thought grass was pink.
Opening sweeping statement: Could people stop trying to change peoples religions and try and change their actions. You can kill people in the name of any god or no god at all but wouldn't it be better just to stop people killing?
(you don't know how many rewrites it took to get my argument down to just that.)
Lawrence O'Donnell has a problem with Romney's Mormonism:
What I mean about the middle is not a namby-pamby, maybe everyone's right person. I mean someone who stands for the rule of law above his personal beliefs, who will be fiscally responsible while supporting the poor and who understands the need for both diplomacy and war. Not wishy-washy, but strong willed. The fallacy here is thinking that one of the extremes must be right. Guess what? Usually, they're both wrong. It's funny that both the extreme left and right think that the middle is for the weak-willed. Ever think that the fringes are where the crazies hang out? The middle is a balance point. Example: The hippies want to ban all carbon outputs and the neocons want to keep making money. Solution? The middle! Make hybrid cars and low-emission manufacturing profitable. I bet folks change real quick.
Sometimes one extreme is right, sometimes the other is right, sometimes neither. The point is to do what is best and what is right regardless of how extreme that is perceived to be. Sadly, in our current political climate, making rational decisions based on evidence, science, and reason is usually considered to be an extreme position.
Having an extreme point of view does not mean you are not weighing the facts. It does not mean you haven't taken the other option into account. I debate and discuss with myself every point and it's counter argument, but in the end... picking one over the other is usually the only logical choice one can make. Thus making you sound like an extremist.
I fight for every right in the damn constitution, yet my left wing friends think I'm crazy when I say, "I don't think the US is ready to legalize marijuana. Socially we will abuse it." Yet my right wing friends hate when I talk about Freedom of speech.
Stupid political parties, It makes it so hard to back a candidate. I miss the idea of "No Political Parties" that we originally wanted.
[Edit] Because I don't know my left from my right. [/Edit]
Also, mosquitoboy - do you want to switch right wing and left wing in those examples there? It didn't make much sense too me. Otherwise, very good points.
For the most part there could be certain situations in which there are clear cut distinctions between right and wrong. Let us take a look at your example of green grass. You make the statement that grass is green and not hot pink b, but what if someone were to genetically engineer neon pink grass? What if I forget to water my lawn in the height of summer? Dead grass might not be pink, but it isn't quite green.
Science doesn't produce absolute truth the same way as one would expect from religion. What people believe to be true one day can be disproved the next. Truth has nothing to do with compromise.
You shouldn't decide what your political stance is going to be based upon the public perception of that stance. If some experts study for many years and find the best solution we know to a particular problem, I should fight for that solution. If the media decides to label that solution as extreme, or if they decide to label it as moderate, that shouldn't change my stance.
Base your position on evidence, logic, and reason. Let the media label it however it wants, and disregard them.
Unfortunately, this is not how democracy works...
I'm not sure that having a subset of the public choosing another subset will solve this problem.
I will admit that any other system (i.e., despotism, monarchy, etc.) will create other, worse problems in the long run.
It's scary how many people I talk to don't even know that it was ever different from how it is now. I won lunch for a week when I bet on it once back at IBM...
I also think that we should vote for Pres and VP separately like we used to.
Remember our system of government was designed before the two party system developed.
Democracy is the absolute worst form of government. It is nothing more than mob rule.
What's that famous quote, "democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner." Followed by, "liberty is a well-armed sheep."
I see political moderates as people to weak to take a stand on an issue and instead try to appease everyone just to make the argument (not the problem) go away for a while. I have respect for people like Biden, Pelosi and Reid. Not because they are right but because they have taken a stand are willing to stick to it even when the winds begin to change. That takes some testicular fortitude! Hillary I have no respect for because her positions change when the wind blows.
There is a difference between being stubborn and sticking to your guns. Unfortunately it often gets defined after the fact based on who was right.