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The influence of Asian Culture

edited December 2007 in Everything Else
In Uni today we had a lecture on “The influences of Asian culture on western media”, which I found pretty intriguing. We had a look at some examples like the Wachowski brothers being influenced by Ghost in the Shell for production on the Matrix, and also the American remake of “Seven Samurai” into The Magnificent Seven. I’m interested in finding out what other stuff has been heavily influenced, or completely ripped off even.

Have you guys any good examples? What do you reckon was done well and what do you think was done awfully?

This is not an assignment! It’s just out of personal interest.


  • Power Rangers was good for a couple of seasons, but I prefer Live-man :P
  • Power Rangers, nice. I had a look on Wikipedia and found it's based on the Japanese show Super Sentai, i never knew that. I use to love that show when I was younger.
  • It seems that America can't come up with original ideas for movies so they are directly stealing asian films and "remaking" them, for example The Grudge/Ju-on, the Ring, My Sassy Girl, The Glass House/Il Mare, soon to be made One Missed Call/Chakushin Ari (I shudder to think how they will twist Takashi Miike's work) and so on and so forth.
  • It seems that America can't come up with original ideas for movies so they are directly stealing asian films and "remaking" them, for example The Grudge/Ju-on, the Ring, My Sassy Girl, The Glass House/Il Mare, soon to be made One Missed Call/Chakushin Ari (I shudder to think how they will twist Takashi Miike's work) and so on and so forth.
    Awesome, thanks Mitsukai. I knew before about the Grudge & Ring but never heard of the others. I'm gonna have a root in the local DVD store for these, thanks!
  • It seems that America can't come up with original ideas for movies so they are directly stealing asian films and "remaking" them, for example The Grudge/Ju-on, the Ring, My Sassy Girl, The Glass House/Il Mare, soon to be made One Missed Call/Chakushin Ari (I shudder to think how they will twist Takashi Miike's work) and so on and so forth.
    I believe this is what is normally trumpeted as the success of the melting-pot of US culture, or at least that's what I get from down there.
  • If you watch Requiem for a Dream, the scene where the girl is sitting in the bathtub with her head in the water, that was taken from Perfect Blue. The director had to pay Satoshi Kon to reuse that shot for the movie. Nifty info
  • The Three Villains of the Hidden Fortress (Kakushi toride no san akunin) was an inspiration for Star Wars. Namely the telling of a story from the point of view of the lowest characters. In Hidden Fortress this is the two poor/AWOL soldiers, and in Star Wars its C3P0 and R2-D2.
  • If you watch Requiem for a Dream, the scene where the girl is sitting in the bathtub with her head in the water, that was taken from Perfect Blue. The director had to pay Satoshi Kon to reuse that shot for the movie. Nifty info
    I have both of the movies and never noticed the connection before! I haven't seen Perfect Blue in ages though, thanks for that.
  • The Three Villains of the Hidden Fortress (Kakushi toride no san akunin) was an inspiration for Star Wars. Namely the telling of a story from the point of view of the lowest characters. In Hidden Fortress this is the two poor/AWOL soldiers, and in Star Wars its C3P0 and R2-D2.
    I've seen an interview before where Lucas talks about that style he uses in Star Wars - the non-hero's being central characters. I have never even heard of Hidden Fortress before though, I'm gonna have to check it out!
  • If you watch Requiem for a Dream, the scene where the girl is sitting in the bathtub with her head in the water, that was taken from Perfect Blue. The director had to pay Satoshi Kon to reuse that shot for the movie. Nifty info
    Pay him? Really? I find that hard to believe.
  • Well, you're wrong. He bought the rights to a remake just to use that one scene.
  • The Three Villains of the Hidden Fortress (Kakushi toride no san akunin) was an inspiration for Star Wars. Namely the telling of a story from the point of view of the lowest characters. In Hidden Fortress this is the two poor/AWOL soldiers, and in Star Wars its C3P0 and R2-D2.
    But more directly star wars was a retelling of the rise and fall of the Roman empire.
    Further aren't we ignoring the time when the culture of other places have influenced Asian culture, I don't know how many times I've seen Anne Shirley clones in various animes, not to mention when it actually is Anne. Really though culture flows in two directions, not one, as many people like to believe.
  • The Three Villains of the Hidden Fortress (Kakushi toride no san akunin) was an inspiration for Star Wars. Namely the telling of a story from the point of view of the lowest characters. In Hidden Fortress this is the two poor/AWOL soldiers, and in Star Wars its C3P0 and R2-D2.
    But more directly star wars was a retelling of the rise and fall of the Roman empire.
    Further aren't we ignoring the time when the culture of other places have influenced Asian culture, I don't know how many times I've seen Anne Shirley clones in various animes, not to mention when it actually is Anne. Really though culture flows in two directions, not one, as many people like to believe.
    I don't think that two-way flow was ever in question, I was just personally interested in what has been influenced by Asian culture. For a start, Betty Boop was a huge factor in influencing the anime style, which Tezuka started with Astro Boy.
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