So little did I know that the Windows XP partition of my laptop didn't have XP SP2 installed. I rarely go on this partition because I prefer one of my Linux partitions instead however I've got some VB assignments that require I download and install Visual Basic Express 2***. So I set out to install VB onto my laptop and was informed as I previously mentioned that I didn't have SP2 so I attempted to install it which turned out to be way more bothersome then Microsoft has any right to make it. I couldn't just go to and search like I planned. Searching just brings you to a "Download" section where they try to force Visita down your throat, so to speak. Once you actually get to the point of being able to download SP2 it's not so bad but theres so much garbage around it I was tempted to just boot back to Linux type up the code of my assignment and hope that I would have enough time to make the GUI in class. I don't know if maybe I'm just impatient or I've just become accustomed to the easy of finding exactly what I need very easily in the open source community. But god damn what the fuck is with Microsoft you'd think with the growing amount of Linux users, however small a percent it may currently, they would want to make things a bit less of a bother.
I don't know if anyone else ever noticed this problem and if you haven't well now you know. Granted I may have just been a moron and looked in exactly the wrong place to find what I was looking for, It certainly doesn't seem that way though.
First, get Internet connection. Then open Internet Explorer. Then click on Tools->Windows Update. Follow the directions. The end.
I'm pretty sure if you don't have the most recent version of IE that won't always be the easiest way to update windows though. I can remember points while having to do window installs in school that if we weren't running that newest version it forced you to go through a lot of crap.
Anyway, I installed XP through Bootcamp and got everything running. I then rebooted into Leopard and opened the XP install under parallels only to be greeted with a notice telling me my hardware had changes and that I needed to re-authorize windows. It then told me that my code had been used too many times (I am using an education version though the school I student taught at). I ended up calling the phone number and going through a 10 minute process, including reading and entering two 45 character codes) to re-authorize windows.
I hope one day wine will run inventor and other modeling tools fully so that I may fully ditch windows.