As you may (or may not know), the movie The Kite Runner comes out in selected theaters this Friday. It's based on the best-selling book of the same title by Khaled Hosseini.
I read it senior year of high school for English class, and over the summer as "summer reading" for freshman year of college, as a part of the honors program. So, I'm kind of interested to see how the movie was directed, and how well it follows (or doesn't follow) the book. A group of us are planning to go into Philly this Friday and watch it.
Any plans to see it? (Or anyone who wants to?) Any thoughts on it?
For anyone who hasn't read the book, it's really good.
Unfortunately I didn't see the movie Friday, because no one wanted to drive to Philly. I'll be up in north NJ again soon, so I shall have to make plans to see it in the city (NYC)...