ATI/AMD Hybrid Crossfire Technology
I was reading an article about this new GPU technology ATI/AMD have come up with called "Hybrid Crossfire". Apparently, if you have both an on-board ATI GPU and an ATI PCI Express graphics card, this technology would allow you to use them both in crossfire mode, thus increasing performance. What is your opinion on this new bit of tech?
Link to Original Article.
NVidia has had SLi technology for quite awhile. This technology allows you to increase video performance by purchasing multiple video cards and connecting them together. Because it costs so much to buy extra video cards, and because the performance increase is negligible (sometimes negative), it is a stupid idea. Nvidia just recently announced that they are going to let you use 3 video cards in SLi instead of just two. Obviously that's one of the stupidest things you've ever heard. However, I think NVidia's logic is that by offering 3-card SLi, 2-card SLi looks less stupid than it is.
This crossfire thing, on the other hand, looks pretty good to me. A motherboard with a built-in video card doesn't cost more than a motherboard without a built-in video card. Usually you will buy this kind of motherboard to save money by not buying a separate video card. Sometimes geeks buy a motherboard that has an IGP (on-board video card), but they put in a PCI-X card, and disable the on-board one. This crossfire thing supposedly allows you to keep using the on-board card to get a performance boost even if you put in a PCI-X card.
How well this technology works in reality depends on actual performance bonuses and prices of motherboards and cards that have this technology. However, on the surface this is a great idea that should allow people to get SLi-type advantages without having to pay stupid SLi money for multiple video cards.
Link to the article I read first (talks about CoD4 performance)
(I just wanted to make sure you guys knew that so you wouldn't think Crossfire as a whole was some amazing thing and then sound dumb later in conversation. It's happened to me a few times. )
This is kinda going the opposite direction that what Rym and Scott predicted when ATI and AMD merged. They predicted that they would bring everything (processor, gpu) all on one chip, but it seems they are keeping them apart. Do you two still stand by your prediction or has this recent news changed anything at all?