I just seen this movie last night. I didn't expect much to tell the truth being that the situation reminded me of videogames. Mostly Legend of Legaia. This movie was surprisingly awesome. It's originally Stephen King so I thought "Meh...hit or miss" It's a hit to me.
These people are trapped in a supermarket because of the mist which contains creatures that kill them. The concept seems blah but the implementation was amazing. All the people you would think suck balls in this movie are the equivalent of Chuck Norris. You see people who would seem to be perfect in a situation of restoring order and calming down people suck balls. You see panic and minds break down.
I have to admit that I'm a horrible person because I laugh at the most morbid things. A lot of scene grabbed me emotionaly. I never been drained from a movie that way. The end really did it in for me and if you saw it...you would agree in my screaming of "Fuck!" on the inside. (when everyone left the theater I actually did yell it) It did provoke thought. Afterwards my guy and I talked about it well after credits.
I did hate a few characters. There's a woman named Carmandy who I know for sure a lot of you will hate to shreads. I know what characters you would probably really be into and they're so unexpected! OMG this movie....is awesome! There's so much I'm not saying because of spoiling, but this is worth seeing IMO.