A college ignores the constitution
Check out
this article about a Minnesota college that turned a "meditation room" into a mosque.
I have no problem with giving students space to pray. But supporting something that is overtly sexist and anti-semitic is just unconscionable. The college actually constructed a divider to keep women separated from men. Unbelievable.
Why don't feminists take a stand against the radical Muslims? If we fought apartheid, why don't we take the same position for women's rights? I can accept cultural differences, but denying women basic human rights just goes too far.
I've never understood why women's rights groups are largely silent.
These are usually the same people who'll turn around and gasp in horror at the terrible, horrible, dastardly injustice that the Catholic Church won't let women be priests.
As for the new mini-mosque, I'm all for the college students taking it back. If it is meant for all students, then everything related to any specific religion needs to be removed. Period. If you want to come in and have a prayer service and divide up the sexes and oppress women, fine, but make it portable and removable. Any permanent installation under the guise of an open area is flat-out wrong.
BTW, what do you think the reaction would be if a giant crucifix had been installed? And not the wimpy, Protestant crosses. I mean the old-school Catholic "Dead and bleeding Jesus" crucifixes.